Azata Domain plurals and Varisian Pilgrim

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

I'm building a Varisian Pilgrim Cleric with the Azata domain, and I noticed something odd it. The description mentions affecting creatures, not a creature.

"you can imbue creatures" and "The creatures touched" and "In addition, targets receive" - it's all plural, unlike the other touch based powers I've seen which specify a single target.

WIth the rule that you can touch up to six allies with a full round action, would this power be able to be used to affect up to six adjacent allies normally?

And with the Varisian Pilgrim ability, with a full round action would you be able to remotely "touch" up to six of those affected by your caravan bond with this power?

It doesn't specify affecting multiple targets directly, but by using plural language where none of the other touch domain powers I've seen do makes me wonder.

Anyone know?

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