Best advice you've ever gotten from a character?

Gamer Life General Discussion

Silver Crusade

I know I can't be the only one here who's daydreamed about a campaign or character situation and popped into "troubleshooting life" mode.

Yesterday I was dealing with some stressful situations both at work and outside work, and my mind started to wander to Friday night campaign. After reviewing last week's events, I started to think about next session. But the next thing I know, my young fighter is giving me advice on my current troubles. (And pretty good advice, actually. I'm glad I spent the points for the fighter to have a positive Wisdom score! LOL)

The advice: "Communicate better. State what you need and why."

What was the best advice you've ever gotten from a character, either your own or someone else's?

"Don't run into that burning building, you stupid kender!"
Actually, they didn't say that. They barricaded the door behind me.

"Be greatfull for what you still have," I said to the Cleric who lost a leg fighting against an NPC with a sword of sharpness. I used "Polymorph Any Object", to turn him into him with both legs, the GM allowed it and the cleric just had to heal the hit point damage.

Liberty's Edge

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Hulk smash ;)

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"People are a lot more important than the game rules."

It was something the party cleric said to a fellow character in a play-yourself campaign years ago. I have never forgotten it.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

"Leave the dead to lie. You might be unpleasantly surprised with what you find in their grave."

My Tengu cleric of the god of death and innkeeper extraordinaire. Once a PC, now an NPC.

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