Artificer. Help needed.

Product Discussion

Hi there. I'm about to start SS campaign with some veterans from 3.5days. All of them are starting more or less core classes but there is one that asks for playing an artificer, a he enjoyed playing Eberron. Now, I know there is a 3rd party product that features the artificer but checking on different resource databases on the web I've found two different "incarnations". Are both, one or none PF legal and/or featured in said 3PP?

Main question is that I don't want any 3.5 material on the campaign as it would not be very fair and I'm not confident performing conversions myself.

Thanks in advance.

Also, shouldn't it be possible to run such a class in PF, what alternatives would you suggest?
I was thinking in some variation in the transmuter wizard or an alchemist...

Primary issue with Eberron Artificer is craft reserve - xp is no longer spent on crafting items so it should be replaced with a pool of virtual gold for crafting, which should be calculated from scratch, basing it on Pathfinder expected wealth by level tables.

With that change you might want to try introducing 3.5 Artificer to PF but it might be subpar when comparing to Pathfinder classes.

Also you might want to check this tread: Cheapy's List Of Artificer classes for PF.

EDIT: Nothing of this is PFS legal, but in general you won't find PFS legal artificer anyway.

for pathfinder society legal, I would go with an alchemist. Somewhat similar in style, grants other PCs abilities through potions, can wear light armor ...

Plus, you can take craft construct at 5th level and still have a homunculus.

Thanks, I'llspeak with the player to offer either one of Cheapy's options or go Alchemist

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I'm pretty sure Carnestolendas isn't doing PFS, as he mentioned 3pp.

As Drejk pointed out, I have that list with a bunch of artificers. My current favorite is Delvo's engineer, but that's more mad super scientist than artificer. The Ardwright was an interesting PF take on the Eberron Artificer.

I don't recommend the Tome of Secrets Artificer (the one found on d20pfsrd). Its ability to have multiple spells go off at once is way too good.

You should ask your player what aspects of the artificer he enjoyed, and I can better tailor my recommendations to that.

The alchemist would actually be a pretty good fit. This PDF, by the truly excellent Super Genius Games, will really help to transform (transmute? :)) the alchemist into an artificer. One of the options in there is "spagyric devices". Essentially, the alchemist chooses mutagen, extracts, or bombs. By giving one of those up, he gets spagyric devices instead. These give a daily limit of "temporary gold". They can create temporary versions of any magic items, as long as the total cost of all devices doesn't go past the gold limit based on your level. These temporary versions are very bulky (they always take up two body slots, even normally slot-less versions!), but are a really cool idea. One problem with it is that there are very few low-level magic items they can make. The same guys do have a product line that could help with that ,Loot4Less, but by the time the players leave ... actually I'm not sure which SS you're referring to. If it's Serpent's Skull, by the time they finish the module, the gold limit should be high enough to be able to make more interesting items.

Thanks all very much. The player was happy with this one 48Bo/mobilebasic?pli=1 but I'm going to pass the new suggestions just in case. And yes, I was referring to Serpent's Skull. I'llgive feedback on final choice

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