Versatile Channeler with the Necromancer

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

So I've been aware of Versatile Channeling for a while

And it stats that Necromancers can take it but is unclear as to what benefit this grants to a Necromancer Wizard.

What exactly is the benefit of a Necromancer Wizard taking this feat?

Dark Archive

I do not see any benefit for a Necromancer,unless somehow they are implying that a Necromancer can switch his command or turn undead to the other with this feat which it shouldn't as command and turn are separate feats in themselves.

Dark Archive

Now that you point that out I suppose it allows you to take the other feat.

The Exchange

It's to allow the use of whichever feat you don't normally have the energy type to be able to use (Command requiring negative energy, Turn requiring positive). Like the description for the feat says:

This feat only applies to necromancers, neutral clerics who worship neutral deities, or neutral clerics who do not worship a deity -- characters who have the channel energy class ability and have to make a choice to channel positive or negative energy at 1st level.

This includes necromancers as having to choose the energy type they want to channel, which excludes them from choosing one of the feats to start with.

Note: You could take both Versatile Channeling and either Command or Turn (whichever you didn't take for necromancer) as a 1st-level human necromancer, but it probably wouldn't do any good 'til level 3 or so.

Edit: partial ninja. Nice!

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