Making an alternate Samurai. Feedback and suggestions appreciated!

Homebrew and House Rules

Hello! I have lurked around the forums for a bit before making this first post! The following may be a little haphazard and I am unsure if this may even be the right place - but if there is another section where this might also be suited that would be appreciated. Anyways I apologize for the wordyness but here is what I got so far!

I have been thinking that the samurai was a little too close to the Cavalier in some ways – then I got a crazy idea.... though it may also be a horrible one. I remembered something - I remembered hearing something about a completed weapon being made by a smith considered a living thing. I also liked the aspect of the dashio set that the samurai got in oriental adventures back in DnD 3.5. I have also looked at the Black Blade Magus, and the monk for balance as well. (though I hear the monk is basically bottom tier in classes which is a shame.)

First of all I am removing the mount from the samurai, the banners, and possibly the bonus feats as well to make way for the idea I got in mind. Aside from all that the samurai is largely unchanged save for the gimmick. Listed below are the primary deviations and scatterbrained ideas. Still a few holes left to fill in.


1st level - The samurai will receive a masterwork weapon in place of the mount - and will also likely have the unbreakable property as the black blade does.

4th level - The samurai gains alertness if he holds the weapon. The weapon also increases to a +1 and becomes a semi intelligent item.

5th Level- The Samurai gains the ability to spend resolve to 'boost' his weapon in a certain manner dependant upon which 'element' he has chosen. This will also only work on the weapon they started with. Examples - Light - Attacks blind the target unless they make a fortitude save. Fire - Attacks ignite targets unless they make a reflex save. Earth - Attacks allow a free bull rush or trip?
-The weapon gains 1d6 damage of a chosen element or a few other options. Examples - Light - 1d6 damage to undead and dazzles targets hit (Even if living). Fire - 1d6 damage. Earth - The weapon counts as adamantine.

Other ideas I want to include but am unsure of where to place. All of these will require a point of resolve to execute.

Other enchantments for the blade dependant on 'element' and 'spirit'. Totals an additional +4 to bring it to 10 at level 20. MIGHT be able to go over that limit though.

Something like a passive buff dependant on the weapon-spirit. So far I plan for only one to be selected.
-The ability to fly into a rage as a barbarian (will not improve and has a few more limitations).
-The ability to shroud themselves in a barrier that provides an AC boost or Damage reduction against certain things.

A mild offensive 'spell' from unleashing the spirit in the blade. Damage is equal to the weapon they have +1d6 +1 per level of samurai they have. Requires a point of Resolve. Ranges, Damage, and Area of Effect can be altered.

-Nova- 20 foot burst centred on caster.
-Blast- 10 foot blast on target point within 40.
-Beam- 60 foot line.
-Wave- 15 wide by 30 long in front of the samurai.
-Pillars- Four 5 foot blasts within 40.
-Chain- The samurai makes X touch attacks on targets within 30. (Think this one is interesting but am unsure as how to limit it or if it would be overpowered. Was thinking to have it as if the samurai was making a full attack split however they wanted or just to give them 7-10 attacks instead.)

Summoning a manifestation of the blade to help fight alongside the samurai for a few rounds.

At first I had an idea that properties would be determined by a prefix and suffix for the name, but I don't think that would quite fit. Looking over things I then had another idea - they would be able to choose an element, and the 'shape' of the spirit inside the weapon. The abilities mentioned earlier would be dependant upon element and spirit shape. For example the Rage ability would only be able to be taken by those with a Fire or lightening element - Or a weapon with a Bear or Dragon spirit. Same would go for the 'offensive spell' effects. I was also thinking of letting the player have free reign of whatever weapon they may wish to use - though that may be a little out of place. I am a fairly leniant DM and would allow something like a sorcerer giving up proficiency in all weapons for the ability to use a two handed sword if they wanted.

Pondering the replacing resolve and/or the ability to issue challanges to require Ki instead. Will scale with charisma most likely.

Also pondering the ability to trade the ability to wear heavy armor for a dodge bonus to AC or something based off wis or cha.

Feedback, critisism, and comments are appreciated! I could also post more categories for elements and spells but I would like to see what people think of this so far. I don't want to create a martial class that outshines all the others.

The Exchange

First, this probably belongs in the homebrew forum. They could probably help with classcraft a little more.

That being said, it's an interesting idea. And that being said, are you looking just to create something nifty or are you looking to find something to get rid of mount dependency and such in an actual game?

I was going to say if you simply don't like those features, cause frankly I don't like them very much either, I recommend you check out the Sword Saint. Its the only Samurai Archtype we have and the efficiency till level 10 sorta sucks; but at the same time it's got a lot of flavor and gets rid of some of the more useless features for the Samurai like mounted archery. It's not great, but a step in the right direction imo.

Edit: I'd also recommend a look at the Kensai Magus archtype. When combined with a Bladebound archtype, I think you get a lot of what you're looking for. Take a look.

Oh woah! The sword saing! What book is that in? I find that quite interesting. And the Kensai? It's kinda close but not exact but it does spark further ideas I may use! Already thinking of a few new orders I can make.

As for what I am looking to create? I was looking to create something nifty myself - making the class feel less like a cavalier and more unique.

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