+5 Toaster |

Sheeple 10 RP
humanoid 0RP
Medium 0RP
Weakness ability score +2 dex, +2wis, -4 int -1RP
Sheeple are quick with great senses but lack intelligence
xenophobic language array (Bleatish, bonus languages common, elven, orcish, and gnoll)
Greater defensive training 4RP
Sheeple excel at evading attacks up close
Skill bonus (perception) 2RP
Sheeple have amazing senses
Energy resistance (electricity 5) 1RP
Element Assault (electricity) 1RP
Sheeple's wool has powerful static properties that can both protect and harm
fast 1RP
Dreamspeaker 2 RP
Sheeple have long since master the art of sleep manipulation
Sprinter 1RP
Natural attack(hoof) 1RP
All Around Vision 4RP
Depth perception weakness -4RP
This race has a -2 penalty on ranged attack rolls, and loses it dodge bonus to AC when attacked with ranged attacks.
Their eye structure and placement allows sheeple to see behind themselves without turning their heads, but it drastically impairs their depth perception.

Azothath |
... I was thinking of making a diminutive race and was wondering what an appropriate racial point cost would be? ...
First off the Race Points are not accurate, it's a rough estimate.
IMO 9-11 points is about average and gives you enough leeway to create unique sets.I'd use the existing races as a guideline and the points as a rough ballpark estimate.
Humans, elves, half-elves, and half-orcs are the gold standard.
Aasimar is a powerful race and probably as far as I'd go for PCs without some compensation. Look at the PFS free(no boon required) legal races.
Drow etc are really too powerful and just for NPCs. Kitsune shapechanging and associated bonuses need to be toned down.
Personally I'd add a Fav'd Weapons group(s) to each race so people can pick up some weapons as an option as Wpn Proficiency is far too costly in the Game.
Next I'd turn to adjusting the Fav'd Class Options. They really need to be standardized.
My Estimate would be;
Diminutive (sz: Lrg, Med, Sml, Tny, Dtv, Fin) is a definite change. Tny costs 4RP. Cost 7-8RP.
Prerequisites: Aberration, construct, fey, outsider, or plant type.
Dtv Mods: SizeMod(Atk & AC):+4, SizeMod(CM):-4, Fly:+6, Stlth:+12, Spc:1ft, NtlRch:0ft, AvgSpd:7.5ft(2 legs), 15ft(4 legs), AvgHt:0.5-1ft, AvgWt:0.125-1lb. NtlAtk: Bite BPS{Prim}, Gore P{Prim}, Pincer/tail B at (1d2)dmg, others (1)dmg.
Most likely ability score Adj: -4 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, +2 any other ability score(including Dex to a total of 20). Free Weapon Finesse feat.