The Rheumy Refrain from Blood of Fiends

Rules Questions

7 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the errata.

The Rheumy Refrain (Sing)


Effect: Your song emulates the sounds of a terrible illness, causing one creature you are aware of who can hear your song to develop a psychosomatic flu. If the target fails its Will save, whenever it attempts any action other than moving up to its base speed or making a single melee attack (but not both) in a single round, it must succeed at a concentration check (DC 10 + your Charisma modifier) to avoid wasting its action because of a fit of coughing and sneezing.
Use: 1 bardic performance

Since concentration checks are only used for spells in Pathfinder this seem to be an error. Maybe they meant Fortitude check or the author forgot that concentration checks are no longer a skill in Pathfinder.

The Exchange

You are correct in that there are no concentration rules for non-casters in Pathfinder. One of the devs gives his blessing for a couple various methods here.


Grand Lodge

If not spellcasting, what does it interfere with?

I don't understand the question, but my point is that concentration checks are only possible with spells in pathfinder so by RAW the ability does not work at all. That is why I said whoever wrote it was thinking of 3.5 concentration which was a skill that anyone could use.

I am basically trying to get it FAQ'd so it gets changed.

Grand Lodge

I guess I am just stating the obvious. Hitting FAQ.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

So the first post has "Answered in errata" I must be looking in the wrong place because I can not find the errata for Blood of Fiends.

I tried looking in the FAQ areas as well but came up with nothing there as well.

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