Advanced Races Guide: Shaitan Binder

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber


I'm a little confused as to the rules on the following ability, specifically where I've bolded it.

Advanced Race Guide wrote:

Shaitan Magic (Su): At 4th level, a shaitan binder’s eidolon gains the basic magic evolution (Ultimate Magic) as a free evolution. At 6th level, it gains the minor magic evolution (Ultimate Magic).
At 8th level, it gains the major magic evolution (Ultimate Magic) as a free evolution, and adds the following to the list of available spells for that evolution: glitterdust and soften earth and stone.
At 12th level, it gains the ultimate magic evolution (Ultimate Magic) as a free evolution, and adds the following to the list of available spells for that evolution: meld into stone and stone shape.
Although the shaitan binder gains the standard versions of these evolutions for free, he must pay the normal cost to upgrade them to the improved versions. This ability replaces shield ally and greater shield ally.

As I understand it, your Eidolan gains the evolution for free, however you have to pay the Evolution Pool cost to use the new spells? Or do you gain the first evolution for free and then each one you pay extra for?

Does no one actually read the evolutions for Eidolons?

Each magic evolution has 2 stages, one the basic stage gives you 1/day of a spell, the 2nd stage (improved version) has a level requirement and an Additional evolution point cost to allow you to cast multiple times in one day.

The shaitan binder's eidolon gets all the basic ones for free (so it gets 1/day of the spells chosen) and then if you want more castings you have to pay the evolution cost for the improved version.

the relavent text for minor magic is as follows "At 7th level, this spell can be cast three times per day by spending 2 additional evolution points." this is the Improved version the shaitan binder refers to

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Michael Foster 989 wrote:

Does no one actually read the evolutions for Eidolons?

Each magic evolution has 2 stages, one the basic stage gives you 1/day of a spell, the 2nd stage (improved version) has a level requirement and an Additional evolution point cost to allow you to cast multiple times in one day.

The shaitan binder's eidolon gets all the basic ones for free (so it gets 1/day of the spells chosen) and then if you want more castings you have to pay the evolution cost for the improved version.

the relavent text for minor magic is as follows "At 7th level, this spell can be cast three times per day by spending 2 additional evolution points." this is the Improved version the shaitan binder refers to

Thank you! I didn't have the books in front of me, and couldn't find the improved part in d20pfsrd

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