Drejk |

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Rhuun |

Drejk |

Initial thoughts and impressions:
- Signature item magic missiles per day would be better based on Intelligence instead of Charisma. Personally I would make it some sort of ranged touch attack ray/bolt instead of magic missile usable number of times per day equal to artificer level + Int modifier, like alchemist bombs, but that is idea I had some time ago about artificers.
- Item creation: use magic device for item creation is mostly redundant in PF where lack of prerequisite just increases crafting DC. Instead I would add rule allowing artificer to omit required prerequisite of spell-completion or spell-trigger item by increasing craft DC, which is normally not possible.
- Knowledge class feature I would rename to something like Artificer's Discovery. Artificer's Secret, Trade Lore, Secret Lore or something like that.
- Expert Eyes: character gets them at 1st level but if he loses them, he is unable to replace them until 3rd level. I would thought about making detect magic and read magic them a spell-like ability along with mending that require a lens as a focus (an exception to spell-like abilities normally not requiring focus).
- Skill Mastery: I would rewrite it that artificer can take 10 on Spellcraft and Use Magic Device checks made to identify, create or use magic items at any time and ability to take 20 on any such check once per day at 5th level and one more time every five levels thereafter (like bardic loremaster ability).

Rhuun |

1. I went with charisma specifically to be different than the Alchemist, also every magic tradition has some tie to Charisma, therefore; to me it made sense to link all of there abilities to Charisma. I like the magic missiles (again wanted a little difference from the alchemist) though it would be very easy to change it to another type of attack. Both of these could be easily adjusted with a class variant.
2. Item Creation. My artificer's Item Creation ability completely bypasses the increased spellcraft dc's as you emulate each requirement through your Use magic device skill to make the item, thereby having all the prerequisites. I thought it was clear the way I wrote it. If you have any suggestions to make it clearer please let me know.
3. I will play around with some new names.
4. I specifically kept those abilities in an item to focus the fact that their abilities really come from items. Though again easy variant fix to detach them from the goggles.
5. I did this to strategically make the need for dice roles less. The skill mastery only applies to when making items ONLY WITH their craft pool. I was trying to eliminate the need/desire for every artificers first magic item being a +10 Use Magic Device or Spellcraft "goggles". The items made from the craft pool are things that the artificer has been "tinkering" with for a long time, so taking 20 made sense to eliminate dice roles and make the players real life time to make an item a bit easier.
Thank you very much for reading, I will see about making some variant options to the class as well as renaming the "Knowledge" I specifically avoided "discovery", May go with "Trade Secret"

Anthony Kane |

Its often been argued that the Artificer could just be a "Re-Skinned" Alchemist. With a death ray instead of bombs, and who cast spells through gadgets rather than potions. Almost the same base mechanics, just with a different look to describe them. Check out "The Engineer" that we wrote up on the forum for some ideas.