Rhuun |

Gloves of Life Siphoning
Aura moderate necromancy; CL 6th, 12th, 18th
Slot Hands; Price (I)21,550 gp, (II)43,100 gp, (III)64,670 gp;
Weight -
The wearer of these gloves can three times per day make a touch attack, typically with their right hand. Upon making this touch attack it drains the target a number of hit points [(I)3d6, (II)6d6, (III)9d6]. You can't gain more than the target's current hit points plus the subject's Constitution score (which is enough to kill the target). This damage is then stored within the gloves. The wearer then has three rounds to touch another subject with their left hand, this provides healing (a willing subject does not require an attack roll) equal to the amount stored within the gloves from the previously drained target. The subject cannot gain more hit points then its maximum. If the wearer does not distribute this healing within three rounds the wearer takes the stored hit points as damage to himself. The gloves can never be used to heal the wearer.
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, Vampiric touch; Cost (I)10,775 gp, (II)21,550 gp, (III)32,335 gp