Euruthnian Ruins - ideas needed

Rise of the Runelords

Liberty's Edge

So, long story short, I have some brand new players (to tabletop and to my campaign ) working their way to Sandpoint to join my campaign. One of the sidequests I plan on giving them is the chance to explore some newly discovered Thasilonnian ruins in the Mushfens. From the campaign setting, it looks like Eurythnia, the kingdom of lust, is what was there.

So, from what I remember about the architecture, I am planning on a kind of Egyptian style to the place. I figure it would have been basically a temple/bordello in ancient times, maybe to Callistria, if she was an active goddess in Thassilon, and of course Sorshen herself. I need some ideas for what kinds of traps and monsters there might be. Any thoughts?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

It's not a "real" architecture, but look at some fantasy depictions of Atlantean architecture for inspiration for Thassilonian (and by extension, Azlanti) architecture. Looking to Egyptian architecture is good too, though, since there were certianly pyramids in Eurythnia.

There wouldn't be temples to Calistria at all—the Thassilonians didn't really have much fondness for elves and their deities. In fact, if there were temples to anyone in Eurythnia, they'd be temples devoted to Sorshen. You could probably throw a few temples to Lissala or some demon lords (particularly Nocticula or Socothbenoth) into the mix too.

Or you can wait until September, because (slight Shattered Star spoiler)

... the 2nd adventure in the Shattered Star Adventure Path, "Curse of the Lady's Light," takes place in and under and around the Thassilonian monument known as the Lady's Light, which was built by Sorshen and has a LOT of Sorshen-themed stuff going on in it.

If you can't wait that long... (larger Curse of the Crimson Throne spoiler)

... the last Crimson Throne adventure, "Crown of Fangs," climaxes in the Sunken Queen, which is an ancient Mushfens ruin built by Sorshen. And also, there's more information about Sorshen elsewhere in the same adventure, since Korvosa is basically built over the ruins of her old capital city...

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