Dervish Dancer and feats

Rules Questions

Does the Razor's Kiss ability of Dervish Dancers allow them to qualify for feats that require Improved Critical as a prerequisite?

I suspect the answer is no, but just wanted to check.

I think it is no. Because then out of combat, you would have feets you don't qualify for.

I would say yes, but when you are not battle dancing you would be unable to access those feats. My thoughts behind this:
Say my fighter puts on a +2 belt of strength to get their strength score from 11 to 13. after 24 hours, he then is qualified to take power attack as a feat because of this enhancement bonus on his next level. However if someone used mage's disjunction and broke that item, he doesn't just lose a feat, but power attack becomes inaccessible until his strength is increased to 13 so he is qualified to use it again.

Liberty's Edge

Which feats have Improved Critical as a prereq?

Jerald Schrimsher wrote:
Which feats have Improved Critical as a prereq?

Seize the Moment

The build I am looking for is a troupe of four dervish dancers who all use seize the moment against the party.

So is the answer actually yes?

After thinking about, I realized we've always let rangers take TWF-required feats and that's conditional on wearing light armor, so it seems reasonable to allow Dervish Dancers to take Seize The Moment as long as they wear light armor and are battle dancing.

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