Lore Warden Fighter and 7 Intelligence

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

Hello, I'm building a character with a 7 Intelligence as a bard (Dawnflower Dervish) to start, and then will become a highly dextrous fighter (Lore Warden) for every level after for Pathfinder Society play.

My question: The Scholastic class feature of the Lore Warden gives two extra skill points per level that must be used on Intelligence skills. My character has -2 skill points every level, so with a normal fighter would only get the minimum of 1 every level without Scholastic.

As a Lore Warden, would I get:

1) 2 skill points per level, - 2 skill points per level due to low Int. Minimum 1. Then +2 from Scholastic that need to be Int based. I'd then get 1 skill point to spend on anything, and 2 skill points to spent on Int skills.

2) As option 1, but the minimum 1 skill point per level applies after all calculations, so I'd have no skill points I could use on anything, then 2 skill points I must use on Int skills.

3) 2 skill points per level, +2 skill points per level that need to be Int based, - 2 skill points per level due to low Int. I could have my Int penalty take out the extra two Int skills, then apply my base two Int skills to whatever skills I want.

4) As option 3, but I would have to choose from Int skills only for the two skill points I'd get per level, as the penalty can only apply to general skill points

I realize this is a weird situation (a stupid Lore Warden), and I appreciate if anyone can clarify this for me!

The ranks from Scholastic are above and beyond what you get from your fighter level. They are additional skill ranks, just like the humans additional skill rank.

You would gain 1 skill point from the fighter level (2 per level, -2 from intelligence, but with a minimum of 1 per level), plus the 2 additional ones from Scholastic (which must be spent on Int-based skills.)

So 1 skill point that can be spent on anything, and 2 that must be spent on Int-based skills.

I'd assume it's options 1 or 2, but can't go beyond that.

Worth noting that with an Int of 7, you wouldn't be able to take any of the Improved combat maneuver feats, which I assume would be a problem if you're going Lore Warden.

Scarab Sages

Thanks Jeraa and Qik, I thought the extras applied after everything else, but wasn't sure. And Qik (or anyone else), if you could spare the time to advise me on how to improve the build, it's here!

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