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Greetings! I'm new to Pathfinder, but a long time player of D&D (2e, 3 and 3.5e, 4e), and I'm looking to hop on to some Pathfinder Society play. I was originally going to play a squishy sorcerer, but have decided to play for something a bit sturdier. Below is my idea for a 1 level dip of dawnflower dervish bard with all weapon master fighter planned afterward. I'd love some advice on improvement, especially from Pathfinder Society folk!
My main questions are: will the Bodyguard feat, with the halfling helpful trait's +4 to adjacent allies' AC, be beneficial? I'm pretty fond of the concept, but I'm curious to what the community thinks. General thoughts would be appreciated too, especially suggestions for improvement - will I be able to contribute to a normal PFS group in being a tank/support with this build?
As for advancement, the weapon master fighter appeals. Are there better fighter archetypes (or even other classes) to have the kind of mobile combatant/guardian that I'm proposing? Combat Expertise and the maneuver feats seem out of my league without the Lore Warden archetype or a stat overhaul ... is that a worthwhile choice? Without raising Int, it doesn't seem like it'll help much. Thanks in advance!!
Human (Shoanti human enthnicity)
Bard [Dawnflower Dervish, Inner Sea Magic]
Chaotic Good
Osirion Faction
Str 11 [1]
Dex 18+2 [17]
Con 14 [5]
Int 7 [-4]
Wis 10 [0]
Cha 11 [1]
HP: 10
Fort: +2
Reflex: +7 (+8 when adjacent to two allies)
Will: +2
Initiative: +5
AC: 10 + 3 (armor) + 5 (Dex) = 18 (19 when adjacent to two allies)
Touch: 10 + 5 (Dex) = 15 (16 when adjacent to two allies)
Flat-footed: 10 + 3 (armor) = 13
Tomb Raider (Campaign)- +1 to Perception and Dungeoneering, Perception class skill [Guide to Pathfinder Society Play]
Adopted by Halflings (Social)- Helpful (+4 when using the aid another action) [APG->Halflings of Golarion]
Favored Class: Fighter
Racial Traits:
+2 Dexterity
Heart of the Streets [instead of skilled, APG]
Bonus Feat
Class Traits:
Weapon Proficiency - Longsword, sap, shortsword, shortbow, and simple weapons. Also, scimitar [instead of whip and rapier, ISM]
Armor Proficiency - Light armor and shields
Battle Dance (+2 to attack/damage/vs charm/vs fear, 4 rounds/day, move action, self only)
Distraction (Perform- Dance check vs illusion figment/pattern, requires battle dance round use)
0th: prestidigitation, detect magic, dancing lights, spark
1st (1/day): cure light wounds, timely inspiration
Perform- Dance (4+0= +4)
Acrobatics (4+5-1= +8)
Stealth (4+5-1= +8)
Perception (4+1= +5)
Combat Reflexes
Bodyguard (racial bonus) [APG]
Monks Outfit (0gp) (2lbs)
Studded Leather (25gp) (20 lbs)
Sling (0gp) (0 lbs)
Scimitar (15gp) (4 lbs)
Weapon cord (1sp) [AA]
Wandermeal, 4 servings (4cp) (2 lbs) [AA]
Waterskin (1gp) (4 lbs)
32 lbs of light load 38 lbs, spent 41 gp 1sp 4cp of 150 gp
Favored Class increase: HP
Stat Increases to Dex (23 at level 12)
Skill increase: Acrobatic (-2 Int mod makes 1/level I believe)
2nd level: Fighter 1 (Stand Still)
3rd level: Fighter 2 (Dodge, Mobility)
4th level: Fighter 3
5th level: Fighter 4 (Step Up, Spring Attack)
6th level: Fighter 5
7th level: Fighter 6 (Following Step, Step Up and Strike)
8th level: Fighter 7
9th level: Fighter 8 (Improved Critical, Disruptive)
10th level: Fighter 9
11th level: Fighter 10 (Pin Down, Spellbreaker)
12th level: Fighter 11
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Sorry to double post, but I got some good advice when I was asking a rules question, which led me to think I should focus on a more balanced build instead of having the 18 in Dex - a 16 or 17 could work just as well I imagine. Thought I'd reply instead of making a separate thread.
Any thoughts on the following modifications so I can best benefit from the Lore Warden fighter archetype at 2nd level and beyond? Less Dex and Con, but an extra cure light wounds a day, three extra skills a level (+Scholastic), and the ability to get Improved (maneuver) feats. Also threw in a Step Up specialist Weapon Master for input!
Str 13 [3]
Dex 16+2 [10]
Con 12 [2]
Int 13 [3]
Wis 10 [0]
Cha 12 [2]
Str 10 [0]
Dex 17+2 [13]
Con 12 [2]
Int 13 [3]
Wis 10 [0]
Cha 12 [2]
And level 2+ progression:
2nd level: Fighter 1 (Agile Maneuvers, Scholastic*)
3rd level: Fighter 2 (Dodge, Improved Trip, Expertise*)
4th level: Fighter 3 (Maneuver Mastery*)
5th level: Fighter 4 (Mobility, Spring Attack)
6th level: Fighter 5 (Weapon Training- Heavy Blades)
7th level: Fighter 6 (Greater Trip, Lunge)
8th level: Fighter 7 (Know Thy Enemy*)
9th level: Fighter 8 (Improved Critical, Disruptive)
10th level: Fighter 9 (Weapon Training- Bows)
11th level: Fighter 10 (Pin Down, Spellbreaker)
12th level: Fighter 11 (Hair's Breadth*)
2nd level: Fighter 1 (Agile Maneuvers, Scholastic*)
3rd level: Fighter 2 (Stand Still, Dodge, Expertise*)
4th level: Fighter 3 (Maneuver Mastery*)
5th level: Fighter 4 (Mobility, Spring Attack)
6th level: Fighter 5 (Weapon Training- Heavy Blades)
7th level: Fighter 6 (Lunge, Second Chance)
8th level: Fighter 7 (Know Thy Enemy*)
9th level: Fighter 8 (Improved Critical, Disruptive)
10th level: Fighter 9 (Weapon Training- Bows)
11th level: Fighter 10 (Pin Down, Spellbreaker)
12th level: Fighter 11 (Hair's Breadth*)
2nd level: Fighter 1 (Dodge, Scholastic*)
3rd level: Fighter 2 (Mobility, Weapon Focus- Scimitar, Expertise*)
4th level: Fighter 3 (Maneuver Mastery*)
5th level: Fighter 4 (Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack)
6th level: Fighter 5 (Weapon Training- Heavy Blades*)
7th level: Fighter 6 (Lunge, Wind Stance)
8th level: Fighter 7 (Know Thy Enemy*)
9th level: Fighter 8 (Improved Critical, Disruptive)
10th level: Fighter 9 (Weapon Training- Bows)
11th level: Fighter 10 (Pin Down, Spellbreaker)
12th level: Fighter 11 (Hair's Breadth*)
2nd level: Fighter 1 (Weapon Focus- Scimitar)
3rd level: Fighter 2 (Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Guard*)
4th level: Fighter 3 (Weapon Training - Scimitar 1*)
5th level: Fighter 4 (Step Up, Spring Attack)
6th level: Fighter 5 (Reliable Strike*)
7th level: Fighter 6 (Following Step, Step Up and Strike)
8th level: Fighter 7 (Weapon Training 2*)
9th level: Fighter 8 (Improved Critical, Disruptive)
10th level: Fighter 9 (Mirror Move*)
11th level: Fighter 10 (Pin Down, Spellbreaker)
12th level: Fighter 11 (Weapon Training 3*)