Duna the Explorer of Indol |

My next character will be a summoner. I will choose to take an eidolon and I have a few quick questions about it:
I have a look in mind for what my eidolon will look like and what it will do, do I have to make it look like something or can I just make it awesome?
The form I am taking for it is a biped. It comes with the 2 Claws evolution,(2d4 of damage). I want to take the Improved Damage evolution for that, do I have to take it twice to get both claws up to a d6, or is it just one in general?
Not in the Advanced Guide, but in Ultimate Magic it has new evolutions. One of them is an extra Head. With it it says I can add extra bites, gores and breath weapons to that head separately. When it comes to the extra breath weapons I would choose for one head fire, do I have to do fire to the other head, or can I do a different one?
For the attacks of the evolutions I have: 3 bites, 3 gores, 2 claws, 2 stings and wing buffet. Do I get to do all this in one turn, or one of each type of attack per turn?
Thank You.

Interzone |

Improved damage applies to all weapons of that form, even if you for some reason had 8 claws you would only need to take improved damage once.
If you were getting a seperate second breath weapon you could choose a new energy type.
You can use all your attacks as one full-attack, or one attack as a standard action.
NOTE: There is a maximum number of natural attacks you can have for your eidolon. If you already have that many you can't even take evolutions that could give others.
The max starts at 3 for level one, and tops out at 7 at level 19.
---So your example of 3 bites 3 gores 2 claws 2 stings and wing buffet would not be legal, even at level 20.
Here is the link to the rules for the Summoner, it is worth reading the whole thing in depth if you want to build one because it is easy to make mistakes on the build:

Archaeik |
Evolutions are grouped by their cost in evolution points. Evolution points cannot be saved. All of the points must be spent whenever the summoner gains a level. Unless otherwise noted, each evolution can only be selected once.
Breath Weapon does not indicate you can take it more than once.

Ronin3058 |
Head (Ex): An eidolon grows an additional head. The eidolon does not gain any additional natural attacks for the additional head, but the additional head does allow the eidolon to take other evolutions that add an additional attack to a head (such as a bite, gore, or breath weapon). This evolution can be selected more than once.
With an additional head you can take breath weapon more than once.