How to make a "Battlerager" Cleric

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

1. The one or two paragraphs in the core book didn't really make sense to me regarding multi-classing. I get that: (a) one class is your primary; (2) every time you go up a level, you pick the class you go up in (tell me if these aren't right). What I don't get is how this affects restrictions: for example, Rogue can't use heavy armor, but Fighter's can. Does that mean that your Fighter/Rogue can or can't use heavy armor?

2. 2nd edition D&D had a "Kit" called 'Battlerager Cleric'. They were essentially clerics "blessed" by their god (probably due to a severe blow to the head) and, in addition to being able to use traditional dwarven weapons like giant axes and do normal cleric-ey things, they had the ability to do some of the things that a barbarian does - the raging thing in particular (however, this would just "come over" them over X rounds of combat).

What's the easiest, least weird way to achieve #2?

Thank you in advance for your suggestions.

Scarab Sages

Dwarf cleric, pure, take the Rage subdomain as one of your domains.

That's pretty much it. I also like the Demon subdomain because the ability is REALLY cool, but YMMV.

1. It depends. All in all the Fighter/rogue is proficient with heavy armor, and can use it. BUT some specific class abilities cannot be used if you wear specific kinds of armor.

2. Davor suggestion is good. Otherwise you should look at the Oracle class, which combined with barbarian levels, allows the prestige class Rage Prophet, which is basically a raging divine caster.

Every level you get to choose a class.

Rogues can wear heavy armor, they just take penalties for doing it. If you have a rogue/fighter then you can wear heavy armor without any penalties because the fighter is proficient with the armor.

For number 2 you would have to multiclass most likely. You can also trying going for the Rage Prophet Prestige Class, but you would have to multiclass with Oracle and Barbarian to qualify.

Wow, this is the fastest message board ever (I actually made a note to check on Tuesday).

Okay, so rage subdomain - what about the dwarven thing: dwarves have special obviously dwarven weapons (battleaxe, etc.). Would I need to take a special feat for this? Is it even possible?

A level in fighter or a feat possibly, but probably choose a deity with some type of axe as their favored weapon. Then you'd gain proficiency in it.

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Rage Subdomain + Anger inquisition = Battle raging cleric.

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