Who remembers Bubba the Barbarian?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

From the dragon and dungeon mags? I loved his sayings.

Here comes the rope, Geek. Don't miss it.

Bill Lumberg wrote:
Here comes the rope, Geek. Don't miss it.

What are you talking about?

That was part of an advertisement in an old issue of Dungeon. Bubba was speaking to a haughty elven "29th-level ranger/archmage/assassin" who was at the bottom of a pit with a purple worm. Bubba gruffly emplored the elf not to miss the rope that he was throwing down to rescue him.

The elf, (Gephreakian hence "Geek") missed it.

I never saw that one! I have seen the ones about him kicking back with an issue of Dungeon after a weeken of swilling mead, wenching and tossing halflings! I'll look harder.

Liberty's Edge

"Stop calling me a geek, you stupid barbarrrriaaaaaannnnnnnn---*" yep remember it well

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