What comes in a MW Thieves Tool Kit?

Rules Questions

Why can't you buy a magical +1 kit? What's in the kit besides lock picks?

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Monkplayer wrote:
What's in the kit besides lock picks?

Glasses that you don't actually need, just to make you look clever while you work.

Liberty's Edge

What's in a masterwork thieves tool kit? Better tools than in an everyday tool kit as well as ones that are rarely needed.

Ultimate Equipment is coming out shortly and may have some more options, else enchanted tools with a bonus to Disable Device skill are certainly doable. The fact that there isn't a listing in the core rulebook explicitly for +x thieves tools doesn't mean you can't buy them, make them, or have them made.

Ummm why +1?

Masterwork gives you +2, what am I not getting?

Liberty's Edge

+2 +1=+3.

OK no worries.

I just hadn't considered a 'magic' version as adding to the check, in the same way a Masterwork Longsword and a +1 Longsword are both '+1' to hit.

You could try and get your hands on a 'Vest of Escape' from the Core Rulebook - it costs 5200gp, and has magic lockpicks that give you a +4 bonus to Disable Device. The vest itself adds +6 to Escape Artist.

Dark Archive

If I was to do it I would use thieves tools as the base item and enchant them like Goggles of Minute Seeing and there you go a +7 tool. Naturally, I wouldn't allow it to stack with the goggles, but it does what you want.

In my experience masterwork bonuses do not stack with any type of enhancement bonus.

Using the magic item creation rules in the core book you could simply reverse-engineer the goggles to create the tools.

There's the Bonus Squared * 100 for any enhancement bonuses to skills. Though yeah, the masterwork component and the enhancement don't stack elsewhere, so they shouldn't here either. So a +4 (Disable Device only) set would be 1600, not 400.

BTW, the vest of escape is priced this way (+6 Escape artist [3600] and +4 Disable Device [1600] = 5200).

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Monkplayer wrote:
Why can't you buy a magical +1 kit? What's in the kit besides lock picks?

My guess is that you would have more lock picks with different sizes and specializations, as well has more expensive gizmos like miniature mechanical claws, a magnet with a little pincers '3rd hand' attached, and probably also a version of the same with a good screw, really good magnifying lenses, including a compound eye piece, some metal and wood dissolving acids, different kinds of high quality saws for metal, wood, and glass, miniature crowbars made of mithril/adamantine/really strong steel, a miniature mechanical drill with a number of specialized bits for different materials, including glass, iron, wood, and stone.. stuff like that.

Jiggy wrote:
Monkplayer wrote:
What's in the kit besides lock picks?
Glasses that you don't actually need, just to make you look clever while you work.

LOL..Jiggy and good pic! I noticed you put up a pic of my handsome face!

Wrexham3 wrote:
You could try and get your hands on a 'Vest of Escape' from the Core Rulebook - it costs 5200gp, and has magic lockpicks that give you a +4 bonus to Disable Device. The vest itself adds +6 to Escape Artist.

Great find Wrexham3! This is great for what I'm looking for! I figured somewhere with the well thought out Pathfinder system there should be some above average MW theieves tools!

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