Catprog |
I ran first steps(all 3) on the weekend.
For my GM sheets I believe I cross out the following as they are boons and not items?
Debt of the Kirin
Kayle’s Blessing
Zrinka Znidarcic |
That is correct, the GM doesn't get any Boons
Guide to PFSOP p.31
"The GM does not get any special boons bestowed by a
Chronicle sheet, such as free magical treasure, regional
boons, or future bonus dice rolls. The GM also does not
get a Day Job check."
What you do get p.30:
"any GM who runs
a scenario gets full credit for that scenario applied to
one of her own characters, as detailed under Replaying
Scenarios on page 16. “Full credit” means the GM gets the
following: +1 XP for the scenario, 100% of the Max Gold
for the subtier most appropriate to the GM’s character,
and 2 PP (or, for a slow advancement track character, +1/2
XP, 1 PP, and 50% of the Max Gold for the subtier most
appropriate to the GM’s character)."