Thomas Long 175 |
Level 12 half elf Synthesis Summoner
Class Trait (+1/4 Evol Pool/ level)
So for now I'm just doing the strength because what someone told me doesn't seem right and the wording is a tad ambiguous. Apparently you now ADD the modifiers to your own while it is summoned. Meaning
PFS play (20 point Buys)
Str 16 +3
Dex 12 +1
Con 14 +2
Int 10
Wis 14 +2
Cha 13 +1
4th level +1 STR
8th level +1 CHA
12th level +1 STR
Final Strength Modifier
4 before items
Now for the Eidolon Total Evolution Pool 19 (16+3)
STR 16
Large STR 24 4 points
3*Ability Score Increase STR 30 12 points
3*Natural Armor Increase 3 points
Level 5 STR increase 31
Level 10 STR increase 32
Natural Stat progression +5 STR/DEX
STR 37 +13 Mod
Are you telling me that without items this person would have a STR Mod of 17? Thats without using any feats and giving the thing a huge ass natural armor bonus! Further Its not slow and if I wanted to lose 4 Mod off there I could and get back 10 points to spend that would effectively grant me spell Resistance, Life Sense and tremor sense!
Is my understanding here incorrect or is this as broken as it seems?

Chris Kenney |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
The regular summoner is better than the synthesis. The synthesis just looks better on paper to some people.
Specifically, the Synthesist appeals to the mindset of power-gamer that says "I am awesome" that wants to play an eidolon. This would be because they percieve (mostly correctly) that the base summoner himself is 'okay' but not 'awesome' and all the power is locked in the Eidolon.
Anyone who has even a passing understanding of the action economy realizes that this isn't the best way to look at things, of course.

SolidHalo |
Actually you can't have a large Eidolon it states that it has to be the same size as your character. Now you can modify this a lot I did one very similar to this as an NPC. Now what you want is potions and wands that enable you to enhance and increase your abilities such as Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Mage Armor, and Enlarge person. And pow you are one big tank. I changed it up with only a 7th lvl. character. If you want to really trade in on the strength give your Eidolon claws and geats that increase it's damage with those. They are right the regular Summoner is better than Synthesis unless you want a melee guy with some casting.

Thomas Long 175 |
Actually you can't have a large Eidolon it states that it has to be the same size as your character. Now you can modify this a lot I did one very similar to this as an NPC. Now what you want is potions and wands that enable you to enhance and increase your abilities such as Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Mage Armor, and Enlarge person. And pow you are one big tank. I changed it up with only a 7th lvl. character. If you want to really trade in on the strength give your Eidolon claws and geats that increase it's damage with those. They are right the regular Summoner is better than Synthesis unless you want a melee guy with some casting.
No it says it must be "at least your size". 2nd this is the link I was given.
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateMagic/spellcastingClassOptions/s ummoner.html#synthesist-%28archetype%29

chaoseffect |

"While fused with his eidolon, the synthesist uses the eidolon’s physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), but retains his own mental ability scores (Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma). The synthesist gains the eidolon’s hit points as temporary hit points. When these hit points reach 0, the eidolon is killed and sent back to its home plane. The synthesist uses the eidolon’s base attack bonus, and gains the eidolon’s armor and natural armor bonuses and modifiers to ability scores." - the wording on Synthesist