Arcanemuses |

Deity: Irori
Class Skills: An oracle with the zen mystery adds acrobatics, perception, and stealth to their list of class skills.
Bonus Spells: (2nd) feather fall (4th) spider climb (6th) haste
(8th) resilient sphere (10th) break enchantment(12th) heroism greater
(14th) ethereal jaunt (16th) mind blank (18th) mage’s disjunction
Revelations: An oracle with the zen mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.
Zen Fists: Your fists harden into living weapons. You gain two slam attacks. At 1st level they deal 1d6 damage. At 5th level they deal 1d8 damage and are treated at magical. At 10th level they deal 1d10 and are treated as lawfully aligned, even if the oracle is not awful. At 15th level they deal 2d6 and count as adamantine. At 20th level they deal 2d8 and the oracle may add their Cha mod in place of strength when adding damage. Oracles can use the ability a number of minutes per day equal to their oracle level in one minute increments.
Zen Aloofness: You gain a better sense of surrounding danger. When not wearing any armor an oracle may add their Cha Mod to their AC as a dodge bonus. This bonus increases by +1 every fourth level after 1st level. An oracle can use this ability for 10 minutes equal to their oracle level and can use it in 10 minute increments. An oracle that has levels in monk may not select this revelation.
Zen Tread: The oracle gains an increase in speed equal to a monk of her oracle level. She can use this ability a number of minutes per day equal to their Cha Mod in one minute increments.
Zen Grace: A number of times per day equal to their oracle level, and oracle can grant themselves a +20 divine bonus to acrobatics checks for one round. This bonus cannot stack with bonuses granted by spending ki points.
Zen Maneuvers: An oracle with this revelation may add their Cha Mod to all CMB checks. They can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to their oracle level.
Cleansing Bloodflow: The oracle’s vital fluids are able to fight off poisons. At 1st level they receive a +2 divine bonus on saves vs poison. At 4th level this bonus increase to +4. At 8th level it increases to +6. And at 12th level the oracle gains immunity to all poisons.
One Finger Zen: With a single touch you can stun a foe. You make a single melee touch attack. If successful, the target gains the stunned condition for one round. The target is allowed a Fort save DC 10 + Cha Mod + Half the oracle’s level. A successful save negates the effect. An oracle can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half their oracle level.
Zen Spirit: The oracle gains Spell Resistance 10 +1 for every oracle level they possess. They can use this ability for 10 minutes per day for every level of oracle they possess in 10 minute increments.
Zen Weaponry: The oracle gains proficiency with one monk weapon of their choice. This revelation can be selected multiple times.
Zen Agelessness: You no longer suffer the negative effects of natural aging. However, if you are magically aged, you still take penalties, but they are halved.
Zen Fortune: When making a fortitude, reflex, or will save, an oracle may replace the normal ability modifier with her Charisma Modifier. An oracle can use this ability a number of times per day equal to their oracle level.
Final Revelation
Enlightened Perfection: Upon reaching 20th level, the oracle becomes a zen master. Free from the constraints of reality, they become immune to compulsions and mind-influencing effects.

+5 Toaster |

I have been meaning to comment on this for some time, would you consider submitting the to the multiclass archtype thread?? I think it is a perfect candidate. Not too mention Oracles have been needing some more MCA options.

+5 Toaster |

due to posting issues Arcanemuses passed this onto me.
Zen Mystery by Arcanemuses
Deity: Irori
Class Skills: An oracle with the zen mystery adds acrobatics, perception, and stealth to their list of class skills.
Bonus Spells: (2nd) feather fall (4th) spider climb (6th) haste
(8th) resilient sphere (10th) break enchantment(12th) heroism greater
(14th) ethereal jaunt (16th) mind blank (18th) mage’s disjunction
Revelations: An oracle with the zen mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.
Zen Fists: Your fists harden into living weapons. You gain two slam attacks. At 1st level they deal 1d6 damage. At 5th level they deal 1d8 damage and are treated at magical. At 10th level they deal 1d10 and are treated as lawfully aligned, even if the oracle is not awful. At 15th level they deal 2d6 and count as adamantine. At 20th level they deal 2d8 and the oracle may add their Cha mod in place of strength when adding damage. Oracles can use the ability a number of minutes per day equal to their oracle level in one minute increments.
Zen Aloofness: You gain a better sense of surrounding danger. When not wearing any armor an oracle may add their Cha Mod to their AC as a dodge bonus. This bonus increases by +1 every fourth level after 1st level. An oracle can use this ability for 10 minutes equal to their oracle level and can use it in 10 minute increments. An oracle that has levels in monk may not select this revelation.
Zen Tread: The oracle gains an increase in speed equal to a monk of her oracle level. She can use this ability a number of minutes per day equal to their Cha Mod in one minute increments.
Zen Grace: A number of times per day equal to their oracle level, and oracle can as a swift action grant themselves a +20 divine bonus to acrobatics checks for one round. This bonus cannot stack with bonuses granted by spending ki points.
Zen Maneuvers: An oracle with this revelation may add their Cha Mod to all CMB checks. They can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to their oracle level.
Cleansing Bloodflow: The oracle’s vital fluids are able to fight off poisons. At 1st level they receive a +2 divine bonus on saves vs poison. At 4th level this bonus increase to +4. At 8th level it increases to +6. And at 12th level the oracle gains immunity to all poisons.
One Finger Zen: With a single touch you can stun a foe. You make a single melee touch attack. If successful, the target gains the stunned condition for one round. The target is allowed a Fort save DC 10 + Cha Mod + Half the oracle’s level. A successful save negates the effect. An oracle can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half their oracle level.
Zen Spirit: The oracle gains Spell Resistance 10 +1 for every oracle level they possess. They can use this ability for 10 minutes per day for every level of oracle they possess in 10 minute increments.
Zen Weaponry: The oracle gains proficiency with all monk weapons.
Zen Agelessness: You no longer suffer the negative effects of natural aging. However, if you are magically aged, you still take penalties, but they are halved. This cannot be selected until 11th level.
Zen Fortune: When making a fortitude, reflex, or will save, an oracle may replace the normal ability modifier with her Charisma Modifier. An oracle can use this ability a number of times per day equal to their oracle level.
Final Revelation
Enlightened Perfection: Upon reaching 20th level, the oracle becomes a zen master. Free from the constraints of reality, they become immune to compulsions and mind-influencing effects. Additionally, they become immune to fatigue and exhaustion.

Detect Magic |

I like the concept. Definitely has a place in Golarion (and other settings, too).
That said, all of the "X per day" lines seem unnecessary (not to mention all the book keeping they necessitate). If you're worried about these abilities being too powerful, scale them back some instead of limiting their uses per day. For example, with "Zen Fists" I'd drop the Charisma bonus to damage and keep the scaling damage (as per the monk), but have it active all of the time. Similarly, "Zen Spirit" could be reduced to SR 6 + level at 7th level (or 11 + level beginning at 11th level) with no "minutes per day".

+5 Toaster |

I like the concept. Definitely has a place in Golarion (and other settings, too).
That said, all of the "X per day" lines seem unnecessary (not to mention all the book keeping they necessitate). If you're worried about these abilities being too powerful, scale them back some instead of limiting their uses per day. For example, with "Zen Fists" I'd drop the Charisma bonus to damage and keep the scaling damage (as per the monk), but have it active all of the time. Similarly, "Zen Spirit" could be reduced to SR 6 + level at 7th level (or 11 + level beginning at 11th level) with no "minutes per day".
funny since I was given editing permission I have been mulling over just that. However I do think some of these abilities should be somewhat less than the standard monk counterparts if we go the unlimited rout.

Detect Magic |

For "Zen Fists" you could keep it 1 die step beneath the monk (1d4 for 1st-3rd; 1d6 for 4th-7th; 1d8 for 8th-11th; 1d10 for 12th-15th; 2d6 for 16th-19th; and 2d8 for 20th), with the added benefit of bypassing resistances (magic at 4th; cold iron and silver at 8th; alignment at 12th; adamantine at 16th).

Detect Magic |

I'd change "Zen Aloofness" so that it parallels the Nature Mystery's "Nature's Whispers" and the Lore Mystery's "Sidestep Secret" so that it reads:
"You gain a better sense of surrounding danger. You may add your Charisma modifier, instead of your Dexterity modifier, to your Armor Class and CMD. Any condition that would cause you to lose your Dexterity modifier to your Armor Class instead causes you to lose your Charisma modifier to your Armor Class."
(Don't forget the CMD; even the monk adds its Wis to CMD.)
If you want oracles that select this mystery to remain unarmored, you could just copy-paste the monk's AC Bonus (replacing Wis for Cha).

+5 Toaster |

Zen Mystery by Arcanemuses
Deity: Irori, Sun Wukong
Class Skills: An oracle with the zen mystery adds acrobatics, perception, and stealth to their list of class skills.
Bonus Spells: (2nd) feather fall (4th) spider climb (6th) haste
(8th) resilient sphere (10th) break enchantment(12th) heroism greater
(14th) ethereal jaunt (16th) mind blank (18th) mage’s disjunction
Revelations: An oracle with the zen mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.
Zen Fists: Your fists harden into living weapons. You gain two slam attacks. At 1st level they deal 1d4 damage. At 5th level they deal 1d6 damage and are treated at magical. At 10th level they deal 1d8 and are treated as lawfully aligned, even if the oracle is not awful. At 15th level they deal 1d10 and count as adamantine. At 20th level they deal 2d6 damage.
Zen Aloofness: You gain a better sense of surrounding danger. You may add your Charisma modifier, instead of your Dexterity modifier, to your Armor Class and CMD. Any condition that would cause you to lose your Dexterity modifier to your Armor Class instead causes you to lose your Charisma modifier to your Armor Class.
Zen Tread: The oracle gains an increase in speed equal to a monk of her oracle level. She can use this ability a number of minutes per day equal to their Cha Mod in one minute increments.
Zen Grace: A number of times per day equal to their oracle level, and oracle can as a swift action grant themselves a +20 divine bonus to acrobatics checks for one round. This bonus cannot stack with bonuses granted by spending ki points.
Zen Maneuvers: An oracle with this revelation may add their Cha Mod to all CMB checks.
Cleansing Bloodflow: The oracle’s vital fluids are able to fight off poisons. At 1st level they receive a +2 divine bonus on saves vs poison. At 4th level this bonus increase to +4. At 8th level it increases to +6. And at 12th level the oracle gains immunity to all poisons.
Meridian Strike: With a single touch you can stun a foe. You make a single melee touch attack. If successful, the target gains the stunned condition for one round. The target is allowed a Fort save DC 10 + Cha Mod + Half the oracle’s level. A successful save negates the effect. An oracle can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half their oracle level.
Zen Spirit: The oracle gains Spell Resistance 10 +1 for every oracle level they possess. They can use this ability for 10 minutes per day for every level of oracle they possess in 10 minute increments.
Zen Weaponry: The oracle gains proficiency with all monk weapons.
Zen Agelessness: You no longer suffer the negative effects of natural aging. However, if you are magically aged, you still take penalties, but they are halved. This cannot be selected until 11th level.
Zen Fortune: When making a fortitude, reflex, or will save, an oracle may replace the normal ability modifier with her Charisma Modifier. An oracle can use this ability a number of times per day equal to their oracle level.
Power of Awareness: An oracle with this mystery can choose to substitute her Wisdom modifier for her Charisma Modifier for the purposes of her spellcasting and mystery abilities.
Final Revelation
Enlightened Perfection: Upon reaching 20th level, the oracle becomes a zen master. Free from the constraints of reality, they become immune to compulsions and mind-influencing effects. Additionally, they become immune to fatigue and exhaustion.
hows that?

+5 Toaster |

Yeah, but if you want a monk-like oracle that's the last thing you want - if it's meant to be monk-like, make it monk-like all the way. Suppose you want style feats? Or a feat that relies on IUS? It's silly that you couldn't get it because you had a slam attack and not a proper IUS.
he is having trouble posting right now so I will drop this from my PMs.
It was inspired by the claw attacks offered to some sorcerer bloodlines. Plus, I did not want to be too derivative and borrow too heavily from the monk class.
I do understand his reasoning, but I suggested it function as unarmed strike as a monk with an effective level-4.

Son of the Veterinarian |

The Zen Fists seems cumbersome to me. I agree with +5 Toaster that it should probably be something like "Unarmed strike as a monk -4 levels, 1d6 minimum damage".
Beyond that, I think Zen Age and Power of Awareness should be dropped. Zen Age is kind of pointless given how few games ever bother with aging. It might be improved if you also added an immunity to spells or effects that age a character, but even then it's to situational.
And I know I'm the one who made the wisdom thing an issue, but I don't think Power of Awareness is the answer to the problem. Make the switching of wisdom with charisma an Irori-only oracle archetype, or at least a feat.
You're over the ten revelations a mystery has anyway, dropping these two won't take anything away and will bring you're numbers back in line.

+5 Toaster |

The Zen Fists seems cumbersome to me. I agree with +5 Toaster that it should probably be something like "Unarmed strike as a monk -4 levels, 1d6 minimum damage".Beyond that, I think Zen Age and Power of Awareness should be dropped. Zen Age is kind of pointless given how few games ever bother with aging. It might be improved if you also added an immunity to spells or effects that age a character, but even then it's to situational.
And I know I'm the one who made the wisdom thing an issue, but I don't think Power of Awareness is the answer to the problem. Make the switching of wisdom with charisma an Irori-only oracle archetype, or at least a feat.
You're over the ten revelations a mystery has anyway, dropping these two won't take anything away and will bring you're numbers back in line.
I might bring that up when this thing has it's turn in the multiclass archetypes thread, barbarians have an archetype that only trades one feature and recommends rage powers (heck they have a listed archetype that is just optional rage powers), so an iori inspired archetype is reasonable.

+5 Toaster |

Zen Mystery by Arcanemuses
Deity: Irori, Sun Wukong
Class Skills: An oracle with the zen mystery adds acrobatics, perception, and stealth to their list of class skills.
Bonus Spells: (2nd) feather fall (4th) spider climb (6th) haste
(8th) resilient sphere (10th) break enchantment(12th) heroism greater
(14th) ethereal jaunt (16th) mind blank (18th) mage’s disjunction
Revelations: An oracle with the zen mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.
Zen Fists: Your fists harden into living weapons. You gain the monk's Unarmed Strike class feature. The oracles effective monk level to determine damage for their Unarmed strike is equal to their oracle level -4 (minimum 1).
Zen Aloofness: You gain a better sense of surrounding danger. You may add your Charisma modifier, instead of your Dexterity modifier, to your Armor Class and CMD. Any condition that would cause you to lose your Dexterity modifier to your Armor Class instead causes you to lose your Charisma modifier to your Armor Class.
Zen Tread: The oracle gains an increase in speed equal to a monk of her oracle level. She can use this ability a number of minutes per day equal to their Oracle level in one minute increments. A monk with the lame curse may not select this revelation.
Zen Grace: A number of times per day equal to their oracle level, and oracle can as a swift action grant themselves a +20 divine bonus to acrobatics checks for one round. This bonus cannot stack with bonuses granted by spending ki points.
Zen Maneuvers: An oracle with this revelation may add their Cha Mod to all CMB checks.
Cleansing Bloodflow: The oracle’s vital fluids are able to fight off poisons. At 1st level they receive a +2 divine bonus on saves vs poison. At 4th level this bonus increase to +4. At 8th level it increases to +6. And at 12th level the oracle gains immunity to all poisons.
Meridian Strike: With a single touch you can stun a foe. You make a single melee touch attack. If successful, the target gains the stunned condition for one round. The target is allowed a Fort save DC 10 + Cha Mod + Half the oracle’s level. A successful save negates the effect. An oracle can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half their oracle level.
Zen Spirit: The oracle gains Spell Resistance 10 +1 for every oracle level they possess. They can use this ability for 10 minutes per day for every level of oracle they possess in 10 minute increments.
Zen Weaponry: The oracle gains proficiency with all weapons with the monk weapon quality.
Zen Fortune: When making a fortitude, reflex, or will save, an oracle may replace the normal ability modifier with her Charisma Modifier. An oracle can use this ability a number of times per day equal to their oracle level.
Final Revelation
Enlightened Perfection: Upon reaching 20th level, the oracle becomes a zen master. Free from the constraints of reality, they become immune to compulsions and mind-influencing effects. Additionally, they become immune to fatigue and exhaustion.
this should be good

Arcanemuses |

Zen Mystery by Arcanemuses
Deity: Irori, Sun Wukong
Class Skills: An oracle with the zen mystery adds acrobatics, perception, and stealth to their list of class skills.
Bonus Spells: (2nd) feather fall (4th) spider climb (6th) haste
(8th) resilient sphere (10th) break enchantment(12th) heroism greater
(14th) ethereal jaunt (16th) mind blank (18th) mage’s disjunctionRevelations: An oracle with the zen mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.
Zen Fists: Your fists harden into living weapons. You gain the monk's Unarmed Strike class feature. The oracles effective monk level to determine damage for their Unarmed strike is equal to their oracle level -4 (minimum 1).
Zen Aloofness: You gain a better sense of surrounding danger. You may add your Charisma modifier, instead of your Dexterity modifier, to your Armor Class and CMD. Any condition that would cause you to lose your Dexterity modifier to your Armor Class instead causes you to lose your Charisma modifier to your Armor Class.
Zen Tread: The oracle gains an increase in speed equal to a monk of her oracle level. She can use this ability a number of minutes per day equal to their Oracle level in one minute increments. A monk with the lame curse may not select this revelation.
Zen Grace: A number of times per day equal to their oracle level, and oracle can as a swift action grant themselves a +20 divine bonus to acrobatics checks for one round. This bonus cannot stack with bonuses granted by spending ki points.
Zen Maneuvers: An oracle with this revelation may add their Cha Mod to all CMB checks.
Cleansing Bloodflow: The oracle’s vital fluids are able to fight off poisons. At 1st level they receive a +2 divine bonus on saves vs poison. At 4th level this bonus increase to +4. At 8th level it increases to +6. And at 12th level the oracle gains immunity to all poisons.
Meridian Strike: With a single touch you can stun a foe....
Please, rephrase Zen Tread. Change "A monk" to "An oracle" in the last sentence. Other than that is looks GREAT!