Spinkler |
So I'm fairly certain that ranged spells add a ranged attack bonus, is this correct?
My main dilemma was when I encountered my first offensive touch spell yesterday and I had a quick skim through the rule book and couldn't find anything specific about this, and so now my party and myself are left wondering... It didn't make sense to us to add a melee attack bonus to touch spells simply because it takes strength into account rather than dex, and now I'm quite simply left unsure about this. Feel free to point me to the correct page in the rule book so I can read for myself if you like, I just couldn't find specifics.
Thanks for the help! :)

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You apply your character's Dexterity modifier to:
•Ranged attack rolls, including those for attacks made with bows, crossbows, throwing axes, and many ranged spell attacks like scorching ray or searing light.
I don't have the page number, but it is in the Getting Started section of the book.

Mucronis |
as far as i know, ranged touch spells only use dex and BAB for attack bonus, but does not give any damage bonus (unless you get weapon spezialisation Ray)
melee touch spells use strength and BAB for attack bonus, but there is no strength damage bonus, (sorcerer orc and dragon bloodlines give a +1 per damage dice that's rolled, that's one of the few i know about that adds damage to spells)
the PRD for Magic stuff did a quick read through that, couldn't find the exact thing, but I'm sure it's in there somewhere (although i have been wrong from time to time)
EDIT: meh, disregard my whole post tbh, misread the OP. it's what happens when your reading posts just after waking up.

Bobson |

Ah excellent, I found that, thank you!
My question about touch spells remains however, are they treated as a standard melee attack even though that will take into account the (generally) poor strength modifier of a wizard or sorcerer?
A standard melee attack against touch AC, which is often much, much lower than actual AC.