cranewings |
For my next game, I'll probably only run until level 6. This gives me the added benefit of being able to quickly and easily write up new classes. Behold, the Gunslinger:
The Gunslinger
Hit Dice: d10
BAB: Full
Fort: Good
Ref: Good
Will: Poor
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Modifier
Class Skills: The gunslinger’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Engineering) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Stealth (Dex) and Swim (Str).
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
The gunslinger is proficient in all light and medium armor, martial weapons, and shields.
Class Abilities
Leap for Cover
At 1st level, the gunslinger can always go prone as an immediate action. If the gunslinger goes prone in response to a ranged attack, the decision to do so much be made before the strike total is announced.
Sleight of Hand
At 2nd level, the Gunslinger gains a +2 bonus on his Initiative.
Bonus Feat
At 3th level, the Gunslinger gains a bonus Fighter feat.
Hard Boiled
At 4rd level, the Gunslinger gains a +2 bonus on Willpower saves vs. Compulsion effects and fear.
Firearm Training
At 5th level, the Gunslinger can select a single firearm type of choice. When using that kind of weapon, he gains a +1 to strike and a damage bonus equal to his Wisdom modifier.
Bonus Feat
At 6th level, the Gunslinger gains another bonus Fighter feat.
cranewings |
Side note, I have my own gun rules I wrote up just before UC came out, which I'll be using. It includes some differences like Strike and Damage coming from Wisdom instead of Dexterity, different levels of Armor Piercing, higher weapon damage, bigger cover bonuses and much, much longer reloading times.
cranewings |
well unless you give some benefit to using guns, there's no point for your players to even invest in them. No one wants to play a character who goes boom and then has to chill for X rounds reloading.
Eh, the class gets two bonus feats. They can take cleave and power attack with them if they want. When I ran with this gun system before and people were just using the guns with rogues and fighters, everyone just carries multiple firearms, reloaded weapons for each other, or switched to melee weapons when they clashed. It was pretty fun.