Ray of sickening

Rules Questions

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Quick question - the rules for ray of sickening say

"This spell functions as ray of exhaustion, except the target is sickened if it fails its save and unaffected if it makes its save."

Ray of exhaustion reads

Ray of exhaustion:
"A black ray projects from your pointing finger. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack with the ray to strike a target.

The subject is immediately exhausted for the spell's duration. A successful Fortitude save means the creature is only fatigued.

A character that is already fatigued instead becomes exhausted.

This spell has no effect on a creature that is already exhausted. Unlike normal exhaustion or fatigue, the effect ends as soon as the spell's duration expires."

Does that mean that if the target succeeds on the save, they are totally unaffected, or does it mean that they are exhausted but not sickened? I'm assuming that if they fail the save, they are both fatigued and sickened.

It says: failed save - target is sickened, successful save - no effect. That's all, it's first level spell so it can't have greater effect than second level spell that happens to use the same stats but bestows other condition - the reference to ray of exhaustion is just that devs were stingy with space and wanted to save six lines of text and not repeat casting time, components, range, effect, duration and saving throw/spell resistance lines.

If the target makes its save, it is unaffected.

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