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They already have a pretty good multiclass feel to them, and there really isn't a class that sticks out to me as awesome for multiclassing. Sure, fighter isn't too bad, but it's rather unnecessary. As long as you keep fairly well to WBL, you'll have no problem hitting. Although the feats you'd get look very appealing, the hit to caster level and class abilities is very significant. I recommend sticking to straight magus, especially if you have never played one before.

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I agree with the others, the Magus has a built-in multiclass theme. There is no need to add a second class. You can achieve similar results with Fighter/Wizard/Eldritch Knight, but some features of the Magus (Spellstrike and Spell Combat in particular) are unique to the class. Take the Magus single-classed as far as possible. It's an iconic combination of abilities.

Paladin of Baha-who? |

Talk to your GM. If your party is going to 20, then don't multiclass. The Magus's capstone ability, while simple (no longer needs to make concentration checks to avoid attacks of opportunity while casting in melee) is quite helpful and should be acquired if possible. If you don't expect to get there, or if your GM expects to go past 20 by allowing prestige classes and multiclassing, then it might be helpful to take a level in fighter for the bonus feats. If you plan to use a lot of the magus spells that do elemental damage (cold seems to be available in a lot of spells, as is fire, but many things resist fire), then a level of crossblooded sorceror (orc/draconic[white or red]) would assist with damage dealing. +2 damage per die rolled is nothing to sneeze at.
These are only to be considered if there is a combat feat that you really want for your magus but you just don't think you can fit it in with what you normally get, or if you really really want a boost to damage on spells, or if you just are bored with the idea of going a single class. The magus is very well balanced and flexible, and can really hold its own without multiclassing.

MC Templar |

Play human, take extra arcana twice at 1st level, and once at 3rd,continue in Magus until 4th level (+3BAB, open up 2nd lvl spells) and then abandon it to whichever fighter class flips your skirt (avoid barbarian for the struggling with rage and casting) (alternately take Weapon Finesse, see below)
The spell recall with 6 extra arcane pool points will help mitigate the feeling of running out of spells quickly that most multiclass casters are hung with, plus, in the grand scheme of fighter types, you are only 1 BAB off max, the 8 plus intelligence modifies in arcane pool points equates to an extra 10+ 1st level spells per day (probably shocking grasps) (8+ with finesse)
If you want to play a really odd combination of buffs and burst damage, take the next four levels in alchemist (vivisectionist) gotta get the most bang for that Intelligence. Will allow you Mutagens, sneak attack damage, and buffing magic in extracts that the Magus might not get, and remove all temptation to use for Magus spells for anything other than killing.
You now will be Level 8, with +6 BAB, with a dizzying array of low level magic and an amusing damage output when given time to prepare.
If you took Finesse early, take Dodge at 5 and Mobility at 7 and make the jump to Duelist at 9th level. Which combines benefits that gel with your limitations to light armor and one-handed weapons, and is a synergistic way to get the most out of the high Int.
The most fun part about this build will be the look on the GM's face when you describe it to him/her.

toastwolf |

Play human, take extra arcana twice at 1st level, and once at 3rd,continue in Magus until 4th level (+3BAB, open up 2nd lvl spells) and then abandon it to whichever fighter class flips your skirt (avoid barbarian for the struggling with rage and casting) (alternately take Weapon Finesse, see below)
The spell recall with 6 extra arcane pool points will help mitigate the feeling of running out of spells quickly that most multiclass casters are hung with, plus, in the grand scheme of fighter types, you are only 1 BAB off max, the 8 plus intelligence modifies in arcane pool points equates to an extra 10+ 1st level spells per day (probably shocking grasps) (8+ with finesse)
If you want to play a really odd combination of buffs and burst damage, take the next four levels in alchemist (vivisectionist) gotta get the most bang for that Intelligence. Will allow you Mutagens, sneak attack damage, and buffing magic in extracts that the Magus might not get, and remove all temptation to use for Magus spells for anything other than killing.
You now will be Level 8, with +6 BAB, with a dizzying array of low level magic and an amusing damage output when given time to prepare.
If you took Finesse early, take Dodge at 5 and Mobility at 7 and make the jump to Duelist at 9th level. Which combines benefits that gel with your limitations to light armor and one-handed weapons, and is a synergistic way to get the most out of the high Int.
The most fun part about this build will be the look on the GM's face when you describe it to him/her.
since we were only going to twelve i wanted to go for a crazy character build and i gotta say yours is yours is so damn awesome

MC Templar |

MC Templar wrote:since we were only going to twelve i wanted to go for a crazy character build and i gotta say yours is yours is so damn awesome...
The most fun part about this build will be the look on the GM's face when you describe it to him/her.
All I ask is you take a pic of the GM's face and post it :P

Tallkid |
Play human, take extra arcana twice at 1st level, and once at 3rd,continue in Magus until 4th level (+3BAB, open up 2nd lvl spells) and then abandon it to whichever fighter class flips your skirt (avoid barbarian for the struggling with rage and casting) (alternately take Weapon Finesse, see below)
The spell recall with 6 extra arcane pool points will help mitigate the feeling of running out of spells quickly that most multiclass casters are hung with, plus, in the grand scheme of fighter types, you are only 1 BAB off max, the 8 plus intelligence modifies in arcane pool points equates to an extra 10+ 1st level spells per day (probably shocking grasps) (8+ with finesse)
If you want to play a really odd combination of buffs and burst damage, take the next four levels in alchemist (vivisectionist) gotta get the most bang for that Intelligence. Will allow you Mutagens, sneak attack damage, and buffing magic in extracts that the Magus might not get, and remove all temptation to use for Magus spells for anything other than killing.
You now will be Level 8, with +6 BAB, with a dizzying array of low level magic and an amusing damage output when given time to prepare.
If you took Finesse early, take Dodge at 5 and Mobility at 7 and make the jump to Duelist at 9th level. Which combines benefits that gel with your limitations to light armor and one-handed weapons, and is a synergistic way to get the most out of the high Int.
The most fun part about this build will be the look on the GM's face when you describe it to him/her.
Did you mean take "Extra Arcane Pool" twice at first level?? Because you don't qualify for Extra Arcana until 3rd level as you don't have any arcana until then. Just curious because I toyed with the idea of taking Extra Arcana at 1st level even though I couldn't use them until 3rd. I know it breaks the "don't take feats you can't use yet rule" but it would e awesome to start with 2 or more arcana. But RAW prevents this because the magus arcana class ability is required for extra arcana.

MC Templar |

MC Templar wrote:Did you mean take "Extra Arcane Pool" twice at first level?? Because you don't qualify for Extra Arcana until 3rd level as you don't have any arcana until then. Just curious because I toyed with the idea of taking Extra Arcana at 1st level even though I couldn't use them until 3rd. I know it breaks the "don't take feats you can't use yet rule" but it would e awesome to start with 2 or more arcana. But RAW prevents this because the magus arcana class...Play human, take extra arcana twice at 1st level, and once at 3rd,continue in Magus until 4th level (+3BAB, open up 2nd lvl spells) and then abandon it to whichever fighter class flips your skirt (avoid barbarian for the struggling with rage and casting) (alternately take Weapon Finesse, see below)
The spell recall with 6 extra arcane pool points will help mitigate the feeling of running out of spells quickly that most multiclass casters are hung with, plus, in the grand scheme of fighter types, you are only 1 BAB off max, the 8 plus intelligence modifies in arcane pool points equates to an extra 10+ 1st level spells per day (probably shocking grasps) (8+ with finesse)
If you want to play a really odd combination of buffs and burst damage, take the next four levels in alchemist (vivisectionist) gotta get the most bang for that Intelligence. Will allow you Mutagens, sneak attack damage, and buffing magic in extracts that the Magus might not get, and remove all temptation to use for Magus spells for anything other than killing.
You now will be Level 8, with +6 BAB, with a dizzying array of low level magic and an amusing damage output when given time to prepare.
If you took Finesse early, take Dodge at 5 and Mobility at 7 and make the jump to Duelist at 9th level. Which combines benefits that gel with your limitations to light armor and one-handed weapons, and is a synergistic way to get the most out of the high Int.
The most fun part about this build will be the look on the GM's face when you describe it to him/her.
Yes, the one that gives you more of the Pool points that you get at 1st level.