[3rd Party Publishers] Who would you like to team up on a project?

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Hey fellas... huh... I'm not a 3rd-party publisher, just a DM, but you would be [more] awesome if you could team up with Emberion and Alluria Publishing. They had a lot of support recently and their products are very well-written. I'm sure you guys could make something cool with them.

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Okay, bear with me for a moment [not sober]: ZSP's Faeries + RiP's Coliseum Morpheuon or the world cross-over.

ZSP + Clockwork Gnomes would also be awesome, as would be OD-synergy.

It came from the stars + Cerulean Seas + Cataclysmic Event sourcebook à la RiP's 101 H&D would be AWESOME.

Sovereign Court Contributor

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If I ever become a 3pp, count me in on this!

Liberty's Edge

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I'd love to see a world populated only by 3pp classes. No plain ol' warriors, fighters, or wizards, just godlings, taskshapers, and machinists.

To do something like Crisis, you would need to get several 3PP aligned working together in basically some type of AP where we have to agree on a supreme villain BBEG who is the central master evil. You would also need to get a group of writers who not only have to work together BUT need to work with each of the involved 3PP to make sure individual worlds "flavors" are correct and it is all unified.

Then you have to get artwork, editors AND layout people and all that goes with that....

Best of all how would you sell it? How is the money broke down? Just some crazy thoughts of mine.

I can't answer your questions, but, it looks like a Kickstarter to me...

Dreamscarred Press

Kickstarter to fund it is an option, but Louis has a great point about how do you sell it / distribute the profits.

You either have to have it all under one umbrella who manages splitting the profits, or each publisher gets "their" adventure, or some other method... That is one of the tricky parts of the financial situation with such a project.

Sovereign Court Contributor

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Nah. That's not hard. Every attorney and bank has an escrow account. All proceeds to be paid into escrow. Record of transactions viewable to all parties to the escrow agreement, so everyone knows how much was paid in. Appoint an independent third party like the bank (in the escrow agreement) or said lawyer to make quarterly distributions to all the parties.

How much to distribute to who can be equal shares or by word count and should be defined in the escrow agreement to a bank or attorney's satisfaction.

Or skip the bank/attorney (and their fees). Set up an independent account to which all parties have read only access and select one of the groups number to be the trusted source who has to play the same distributive role.

Handle the details in a group contract.

Something like that.


*shifts leg to keep it from going numb* 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (15) + 15 = 30

Scarab Sages

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I think the way I would suggest doing it is this...

1.) First, see which companies want to play. Then...

2.) Have a small group of freelancers (or the comapany execs., either way) collaborate on the bare bones of a setting, creating a joint OGL world of some sort and an idea for a 1-20 adventure path.

3.) Have each each company contribute 1 setting book for this venture, with each book suiting that companies particular style or niche. Each company handles the book development and distribution all on their own and reaps the profits individually, but the joint nature of the project should encourage buyers to want the full set.

4.) Have an adventure path in which each company writes one part of the adventure path and prints and distributes it, reaping the profits thereof. Again, the joint nature of the project should mean that each part sells fairly evenly, especially if the bigger names, so to speak, go last.

At the front, there could be an effort to buy some group art and maybe arrange a single layout style for each book. Maybe find one guy or gal willing to oversee and head development of the project, and a single lead editor for continuity.

Liberty's Edge

I am liking this thread.

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I just found this thread. It's very fascinating, and a neat concept with the big cross-over AP idea. Right now, because last year's production delay - uhm, delayed production... we're backed up and I'm not committing to any new products until we get everything currently in the pipeline out the door (which is going to take a while *sigh*). That said, I would be more than willing and happy to let others play around with some 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming IP, if it were done right.

While we do not have a campaign setting of our own, our adventure Albion Armitage's Astounding Arsenal does feature a dimension-hopping archmage and a weapons and magic items shop that can be in multiple dimension and worlds at once. If another 3PP wanted to incorporate Albion, his shop or any of his minions, I think we could work that out easily enough.

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Louis Agresta wrote:

Nah. That's not hard. Every attorney and bank has an escrow account. All proceeds to be paid into escrow. Record of transactions viewable to all parties to the escrow agreement, so everyone knows how much was paid in. Appoint an independent third party like the bank (in the escrow agreement) or said lawyer to make quarterly distributions to all the parties.

How much to distribute to who can be equal shares or by word count and should be defined in the escrow agreement to a bank or attorney's satisfaction.

Or skip the bank/attorney (and their fees). Set up an independent account to which all parties have read only access and select one of the groups number to be the trusted source who has to play the same distributive role.

Handle the details in a group contract.

Something like that.

Maybe you should write an article on how parties should divide up their loot. :-)

Perception 1d20 ⇒ 20 I'm telling you guys... There's someone hiding hereabouts...

Shadow Lodge

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We'd be happy to do some collaboration on adventures sometime. I think a lot of folks would enjoy a TPK + Fire Mountain or Frog God adventure. No... no... it's too perilous!

Sovereign Court Raging Swan Press

Raging Swan is already collaborating with Run Amok Games on the adventure Dark Waters Rising. Ron and I go way back to the distant days of Living Greyhawk and it's great to be working with him again.

Beyond that, Raging Swan works with Rite Publishing on Adventure Quarterly and Pathways - both of which are tremendous fun!

I'm open to other collaborations, particularly for modules as I've (again) been bitten by the adventure writing bug.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This reminds me of how I've long wanted to write a blog article on crossing cosmologies (as opposed to just planes).

Sovereign Court Contributor

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Distant Scholar wrote:
Louis Agresta wrote:

Nah. That's not hard. Every attorney and bank has an escrow account. All proceeds to be paid into escrow. Record of transactions viewable to all parties to the escrow agreement, so everyone knows how much was paid in. Appoint an independent third party like the bank (in the escrow agreement) or said lawyer to make quarterly distributions to all the parties.

How much to distribute to who can be equal shares or by word count and should be defined in the escrow agreement to a bank or attorney's satisfaction.

Or skip the bank/attorney (and their fees). Set up an independent account to which all parties have read only access and select one of the groups number to be the trusted source who has to play the same distributive role.

Handle the details in a group contract.

Something like that.

Maybe you should write an article on how parties should divide up their loot. :-)

NPC subclass of cleric/banker who holds PC party treasure in escrow and enforces their intra-party agreements? Hmmmm... Yoo hoo, Wolfgang!

Louis Agresta wrote:

Nah. That's not hard. Every attorney and bank has an escrow account. All proceeds to be paid into escrow. Record of transactions viewable to all parties to the escrow agreement, so everyone knows how much was paid in. Appoint an independent third party like the bank (in the escrow agreement) or said lawyer to make quarterly distributions to all the parties.

How much to distribute to who can be equal shares or by word count and should be defined in the escrow agreement to a bank or attorney's satisfaction.

Or skip the bank/attorney (and their fees). Set up an independent account to which all parties have read only access and select one of the groups number to be the trusted source who has to play the same distributive role.

Handle the details in a group contract.

Something like that.

I haven't decided whether or not it's ironic that you'd be the one bringing this up. Given your recent endeavors / volunteering, you realize that you have the potential to be the trusted source. :)

EDIT: Cthulou, The Pimp In Orange, has foresight that rivals that of Palpatine. Execute Order 47.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Hah. Well its awfully nice of you to suggest I'm trustworthy, but I'm thinking I'll need these professionals' help before they need mine! Thanks, though.

Now back to the 3pp collaborations ideas!

Zombie Sky Press

Another option: make it a more personal collaboration. An ongoing line with its own trade dress. Each release is the collaboration of two different companies, rotating from release to release. Those two companies would be better able to negotiate the creative/production/sales duties of each release.

Dark Archive

To be honest, I would prefer not an Adventure Path, but campaign setting - something that Paizo itself will not tackle, but it is too huge a challenge for only one 3pp - like a steampunk setting, for example. Something like Iron Kingdoms. A project like this would have to draw on a lot of resources and a bunch of new rules would have to be created. And I'm thinking that something like that would draw more interest from the players and GMs.

Sovereign Court Contributor

nightflier wrote:
To be honest, I would prefer not an Adventure Path, but campaign setting - something that Paizo itself will not tackle, but it is too huge a challenge for only one 3pp - like a steampunk setting, for example. Something like Iron Kingdoms. A project like this would have to draw on a lot of resources and a bunch of new rules would have to be created. And I'm thinking that something like that would draw more interest from the players and GMs.

The logical thing would be to make a CS - one that would optimally showcase the work already done by each 3PP - and then publish a AP within it. Of course, the widest net would be a planar setting or a "swords & planets" setting since then the worlds already detailed could co-exist.

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You know what, I would like to work with Open Design on creating a new prestige class or even as an Ranger archetype: Headhunter. I would base it as a actual Maori headhunters with some cool magical effects. A headhunter is always looking to take heads, shrink them and use the shrunken head them as magical item. I can see a LOT of cool ideas with this class....

I might have to give Wolfgang a call...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'd like to refocus this post and add something: Please, if you do the crossover, don't make yet another steampunk setting. Currently, 3 different kickstarter projects are devoted to it AND there's teh Zeitgeist AP. I'd love something more far-out come out of such a collaboration. Add to that the fact that a collaboration Campaign Setting might detract from the individual campaign settings, I'd rather see the individual worlds exist in continuity parallel to each other, but that's just my 2 cents. Cheers!

Endzeitgeist wrote:
I'd like to refocus this post and add something: Please, if you do the crossover, don't make yet another steampunk setting. Currently, 3 different kickstarter projects are devoted to it AND there's teh Zeitgeist AP.

+10 to this. There's enough clock and gear and steam out there: Zeitgeist, elements of Midgard, Steampunk Musha, Pure Steam...

Endzeitgeist wrote:
Add to that the fact that a collaboration Campaign Setting might detract from the individual campaign settings, I'd rather see the individual worlds exist in continuity parallel to each other, but that's just my 2 cents. Cheers!

+12 to this. I don't see the utility of a collaborative CS - the separate worlds sharing a world-hopping arc would interest me more than a melange of bits and pieces of each all trying to meld together and reach some sort of flavour "balance".

Dark Archive

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Jeremy Smith wrote:

This is hard for me to say, since I have things in the works with several other publishers, such as the aforementioned psionics in Obsidian Twilight, and already feeling like I'm a bit overloaded with existing projects...

That being said, I'd love to see a Genius Guide to Psionic Archetypes... or a Rite Publishing #30 Psychoactive Skins (or some other psionic item concept)...

Still have to make the time to fully digest JBE's Book of the River Nations: CPRFKB and see how it could be leveraged for Third Dawn.

Of course, all that would require a second Jeremy Smith, since I'm already more than maxed out on existing projects. ;)

*loved* SGG's Feats of Psionic Might. There's a lot of 3PP's who deserve some sweet lovin', but I can't think of a better PB in the chocolate combo than DSP and the genius's.

Dark Archive

Kolokotroni wrote:
Jeremy Smith wrote:

...That being said, I'd love to see a Genius Guide to Psionic Archetypes...
I'm throwing my money at the screen but nothing's happening!


Quick! Try sliding your credit card in the disk drive!

(oh man, I'm getting old when jokes about putting something in a disk drive are not only dated, but completely lost on anyone under 25)

But seriously, this not only had me giggling for ten minutes, it made me want to try the same thing because YESYESYES I want this.

Dark Archive

The World Serpent Inn was one of my favorite Dragon articles of all time. It gave us a plausible way for PC's to play in various campaign settings. Perhaps a sub-setting book like Ravenloft?

Perhaps a sub-setting that contains an adventure that ends with creating a small demiplane that has portals that connect to various IP's. By using these stable portals, pc's could literally walk from one IP to the next (or it could be limited to rituals/spells opening them, etc).

Villains using different 3pp rules make an appearance (though any rules used should be self contained and thus not require GM's to purchase further material, as that may turn some people off). The portals remain, various IP can overlap, no one is obligated to expand the product further as it stands alone well, but the door is open for further collaboration. Groups could plop it in their campaign, if they like it can continue with it, and if they don't they can just take their PC's back home without having to redline.

If anything, it seems like a great way to advertise each others stuff, as long as it doesn't seem to contrived (I swear, if I see an NPC drink a pepsi, I'm out!)

Think of it as a (tasteful) sampling/advert of the best of various 3PP with a mini-setting and an adventure, written by the best of the best, all in one package!

Endzeitgeist wrote:
Add to that the fact that a collaboration Campaign Setting might detract from the individual campaign settings, I'd rather see the individual worlds exist in continuity parallel to each other, but that's just my 2 cents. Cheers!

DING!!! You got that one RIGHT on the head. I don't want to create ANOTHER CS. I have two (three if you count the upcoming Pirates of the Bronze Sky) and that is two too many to keep doing regular monthly releases. Now What I would think would work well is to "swap villains" in CS a la X-Men / Teen Titans or Avengers / JLA. I would find it interesting to see how other CS would deal with the NeoExodus terrorist group, Folding Circle would do in Open Design's Midgard for example.

LMPjr007 wrote:
Endzeitgeist wrote:
Add to that the fact that a collaboration Campaign Setting might detract from the individual campaign settings, I'd rather see the individual worlds exist in continuity parallel to each other, but that's just my 2 cents. Cheers!
DING!!! You got that one RIGHT on the head. I don't want to create ANOTHER CS. I have two (three if you count the upcoming Pirates of the Bronze Sky) and that is two too many to keep doing regular monthly releases. Now What I would think would work well is to "swap villains" in CS a la X-Men / Teen Titans or Avengers / JLA. I would find it interesting to see how other CS would deal with the NeoExodus terrorist group, Folding Circle would do in Open Design's Midgard for example.

Yes, I agree. Between you and Rite Publishing there are 6 CS's already.

And I'd rather not do Steampunk - yech

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yes, add me to the chorus of "not another steampunk setting please"

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Third. I love steampunk but man, it is getting to be a bit of an overly played out genre. I would love to see something more akin to Dark Sun or the Barsoom series of Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Liberty's Edge

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I'm a must-buy kind of guy if this scheming ever gets off the ground, since I love virtually everyone that's mentioned wanting in's stuff.

That said, if you guys can come up with a framework for cooperation in a business sense for this project, perhaps you might want to think about doing something like, say, Fantasy Flight Games's old Mastercraft Anthology for Free RPG Day sometime. For those that didn't see that product, it was a chapter or so of each of their hardcover books, complete with rules, monsters, base classes, prestige classes, races, feats, spells, etc. all collected as a teaser to draw customers to a larger product. Letting each 3PP submit a small amount of their content along with information about the rest of the product or line, as well as where to purchase it as an advertising tool would be a great way to get the knowledge of what's out there to the public that doesn't loiter on the Paizo site or ever check out much of the 3PP content. Just a thought... as a fan of so many of you guys, I'd really like to see more GMs utilizing what you bring to the game.

We would be happy to let other 3PP submit a land/realm to Porphyra as OGC and then they could also use it wherever they wanted, whenever they want for whatever they wanted.

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I love the idea of joining forces to fan our flames of creativity. We already accept original adventure submissions from GMs and independent game developers alike, but we would like to further branch out and join forces with other 3PPs.

There is a project for a children's charity that I would like to start. I have actually already started the ball rolling. I would love if anyone who is already a game developer and their children (yes you heard me right) to join in!

Scarab Sages

Adventureaweek wrote:

I love the idea of joining forces to fan our flames of creativity. We already accept original adventure submissions from GMs and independent game developers alike, but we would like to further branch out and join forces with other 3PPs.

There is a project for a children's charity that I would like to start. I have actually already started the ball rolling. I would love if anyone who is already a game developer and their children (yes you heard me right) to join in!

I would be interested in learning more about that (as would my children). You can contact me at wicht at uplink dot net.

TrickyOwlbear wrote:

Agreed! It's pretty much the best group of publishers around--very respectful and interested in what the other is up to. But why bother teaming up with just one other publisher? Let's get 4+ together and have an Avengers-like crossover event!

I'd like to see an Avengers-like 3PP collaboration so broad and ambitious in scope that they have to call in some of us mercenary freelancers to help out with the really cool bits. ;)

WRoy wrote:
TrickyOwlbear wrote:

Agreed! It's pretty much the best group of publishers around--very respectful and interested in what the other is up to. But why bother teaming up with just one other publisher? Let's get 4+ together and have an Avengers-like crossover event!
I'd like to see an Avengers-like 3PP collaboration so broad and ambitious in scope that they have to call in some of us mercenary freelancers to help out with the really cool bits. ;)

I bet you would, Mr. Roy. ;) And I think you'd be welcome by a publisher or two as well.

Grand Lodge

I'd like to see a Bob Marley <> Greg Vaughan collaboration.


LMPjr007 wrote:

You know what, I would like to work with Open Design on creating a new prestige class or even as an Ranger archetype: Headhunter. I would base it as a actual Maori headhunters with some cool magical effects. A headhunter is always looking to take heads, shrink them and use the shrunken head them as magical item. I can see a LOT of cool ideas with this class....

I might have to give Wolfgang a call...

Ha! You should have been on the Journeys project! We could have used a headhunter class.

Sacred 2 had an elven headshrinker, the Dryad, whose Cabalistic Voodoo aspect gained abilities from wearing different races shrunken heads...Love to see it as a class/archetype. Witch/Ranger PrC? Wiz (necro) archetype?

(back to 3PP mashup discussion)

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Kolokotroni wrote:
Jeremy Smith wrote:

...That being said, I'd love to see a Genius Guide to Psionic Archetypes...
I'm throwing my money at the screen but nothing's happening!

Maybe if we throw it into the disc drive!

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LMPjr007 wrote:
You know what, I would like to work with Open Design on creating a new prestige class or even as an Ranger archetype: Headhunter. I would base it as a actual Maori headhunters with some cool magical effects. A headhunter is always looking to take heads, shrink them and use the shrunken head them as magical item. I can see a LOT of cool ideas with this class....

You could read KQ#17, and see the incantation for creating items out of severed heads and the half-dozen magical ones in there. ;) /threadjack


Oh, darnit. That's been done already Ben?

scratches something off to-do list and adds something to to-buy list.

Liberty's Edge

Marc Radle wrote:
R. Hyrum Savage wrote:

Wonder what we could do. A series of adventures building on what came before? Something like Thieves World? A book of NPCs using other folks OGL content?


Those are all pretty great ideas!

I'd love to be a part of it ... writing, art, graphic design of the final product, whatever!

You Have my Sword. (And My Axe!)

Wicht wrote:
Adventureaweek wrote:

I love the idea of joining forces to fan our flames of creativity. We already accept original adventure submissions from GMs and independent game developers alike, but we would like to further branch out and join forces with other 3PPs.

There is a project for a children's charity that I would like to start. I have actually already started the ball rolling. I would love if anyone who is already a game developer and their children (yes you heard me right) to join in!

I would be interested in learning more about that (as would my children). You can contact me at wicht at uplink dot net.

Sent you an email. Let me know via PM if you didn't get it for some reason! ;)

We did a few projects with other companies for 3.x and had a blast, now that we are accepting projects again and working on stuff, throw us in the "color me interested group"!

1) With gemstone dragons as non-OGL, I'd love to see Super Genius and Dreamscarred come up with a few completely new psionic dragons. I'd really love it if the psionic dragons could draw on (East) Indian/"Vudra" and/or "Lashunta" themes. Bonus points for a psionic archetypes/bloodlines for draconic disciples, psionic warriors, and psions.

2) And while I'm at it, I'd love a Pathfinder "Draconomicon" hardcover with each 3pp contributing completely new dragon types, as well as all the nifty flavor stuff: draconic physiology & psychology, a couple pages of Draconic words and phrases, statted draconic NPCs/BBEGs, etc...

3) And in a similar vein, how about a book of BBEGs ready for GMs to drop into home campaigns? Maybe stat them up at 3-4 different CR/experience levels, with a couple pages of background/motivations/goals and a 1/2 to full page of adventure hooks? If every 3pp contributes 2 or 3, it'd be awesome.

Ambrosia, I know that Rite's Faces of the Tarnished Souk are basically what your #3 is about.

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