Attempts at RP dimensions outside of the faction system - an experiment

Pathfinder Society


I have been undertaking an experiment at the local gamer collective to add additional RP dimensions to PFS by promoting table wide role-play choices

We have a weekly game of one table at my FLGS, with perhaps 2 times that many people as a regular player base. I do not organize this event, but I contribute as a GM.

My goal of late is promote a party based around a "thematic" element, beyond the faction missions. For example, some ideas that have been forwarded by myself:

- similar powers (all arcane party, all inquisitor party, etc.)
- similar backstories (all ex-slaves, a Varisian traveling troop, a shoanti tribe)

I have a vision of running similarly/appropriately themed adventures or modules for the group, once assembled. For instance, it seems that year 4 seems to largely take place in Varisia and environs, so running an all Varisian or Shoanti party through those adventures would be appropriate.

However, in this endeavor, I have encountered numerous issues:

  • Small player base - not much to be done about this
  • Small selection of thematically coherent adventures - I don't have nearly the selection of PFS adventures to make a good, coherent storyline to reward a starting 1st level group - perhaps I could tie in Crypt of the Everflame with 4-1: Rise of the Goblin guild - then what? How do I maintain story-arc consistency and get them to tier 3-7 without resorting to a hodge-podge of Season 0-3 (which most have already played). Other thematically consistent adventures are spread across a wide range of levels.
  • Apathy from players; players like to test their character concepts/builds, but on the whole have little tying those characters to the world. This includes factions, which usually seem like a thin plot element.
  • No reward mechanism for filling traditional party roles; there is no coordination between players regarding what role they are filling. One night, there can be all sorcerers and bards at a table, the next all barbarians and fighters.

After game conversations regarding this topic have gone... poorly. Generally the feedback that I have gotten is:

  • "You sound like you want to run a home game. You should just run an AP" (which I am already)
  • "Yeah... you should really try this remake of the old 2nd edition system. It's so cool, and I just bought all the supplements"
  • "Well, I would do something like that, except nobody else would show up with their characters regularly... and well it just wouldn't be fun"

This second point disturbs me greatly, as I expect people who show up for the game to be invested in the game. Rather, I just get a sense of apathy; they are there to roll dice, not to tell a story.

As to the first objection: why shouldn't the same principles of teamwork and consistent thematic background not apply to official play? My pest OP experiences have been with a party with well defined roles.

So perhaps I'm going too much against the inertia of the campaign and players. I will persevere; I am writing up a short document that surveys thematically appropriate game choices for a Varisian troop and I will continue to try to sell the idea to my fellow gamers, offering my services as a GM in trade, but it feels like an uphill battle.

Input, critique and suggestions welcome.

Grand Lodge 1/5

I have always wanted to play a "rock band" of bards or characters with Perform skill. With each person playing a different instrument or something like that... never happens though... everyone has their own idea of cool that they want to play. :(

Grand Lodge 4/5

I've seen this done a couple of times, most recently with six characters who are all Tian, all Lantern Lodge and built together with at least some consideration of roles. When I ran Godsmouth Heresy, Amara Li had some inside information to send them to gain influence for the Lantern Lodge.

I think it's best coming from a group of players who know each other well rather than from the GM.

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