Off-Topic Discussions

Cause I'm at work and I'm bored and need something to do cause I'm at work and I'm bored and zomg really really really wanna go home... oh yeah... and I'm bored have I mentioned that?

Cause I work in healthcare and all you silly healthy people are killing me.. KILLING me .. cause I have nothing to do and this was supposed to by my cupcake carrer ... y'll are supposed to be sikly and junki and then I have to work to take care of things... no I'm not a doctor or a nurse... but there are other areas of healthcare


seekret message:

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

You need to make the preamble longer. The popup text on the link to your message included the spoiler'd part. ;)

Jiggy lol

I feexed it

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Dare I ask what I've been


Jiggy wrote:
Dare I ask what I've been ** spoiler omitted ** with?


you've been:
sprinkled with lots of bunny sprinkles .. mainly purple ones, but there are some other colors mixed in.. cause it's really really hard to separate all the differnt colors. They get all like stuck in my paws and junk. So yeah .. it's mainly purple bunny sprinkles.

now don't ask what bunny sprinkles are, cause I don't think you could handle knowing what they actually are. You'll just have to know that they are sparkly and sprinkly and have been sanitized. yeah... sanitized.. :D

Did someone hit up the opioid stash at work on the most sacred of stoner holidays?

If so, share!

Grand Lodge

Pass it around, man.

The Exchange

That thing we always spoiler for no reason in particular...:
At least they are sanitized...

Drugs are bad, mmmkay. Don't do drugs. Now, marijuana. Marijuana is a drug and drugs are bad, mmmkay. Don't do marijuana...

Drug ABUSE is bad.

Drug USE, on the other hand, can rock.

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