Adventure Help: Defending a City

Gamer Life General Discussion

The PCs stand as the stalwart defenders of a newly settled colony against an oncoming invasion lead by a Witch Coven. As such, I need specific tasks that the PCs can acomplish to help fortify the defenses/ make their contribution active. Some criteria for consideration are:


Find new allies
Find helpful resources
Gather Intelligence about the enemy/or the converse
Sabotage the enemy/or the converse


Fight specific threats
Rally troops
Prevent key personnel from being killed
Assasinate key enemy leaders or implement intelligent strategy for victory.

I need help with adding details and specificity to any of the above/or anything else that all of your devious minds can come up with. A few plot points of note:

-Ancient Beings lie chained and dormant at the settlement site- an old prison, unknown to most.

- No plant life grows where the settlement is though the settlement is surrounded by an ancient forest

- Pirates abound the coast line

- The PCs suspect certain NPCs to be traitors

- The PCs work for the most dispicable man who is in charge, despite their distate for this (they agreed to this to pull together the alliance of natives, settlers and others).

You can also point me to any published sources as well ( i believe one of the savage tide adventures deal with a similar topic, as an example).

Thank you in advance!

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