Summoner / Eidolon And Magic Items

Rules Questions

A quick clarification question here. According to the Eidolon "Link" feature, magic equipment 'slots' are shared between an Eidolon and a Summoner. This does also apply to magic items, correct? The question is, if you craft an Eidolon with Limbs (Arms), give them Weapon Proficiency (Say, Bastard Sword) and then put a +1 Magic Bastard Sword into the Eidolon's primary weapon hand, the summoner can no longer use a Magic weapon in his primary weapon hand although in theory it could wield one in his off hand.

The Summoner could wield a non-magical weapon in his primary weapon hand though? And what if someone then enchanted the weapon for the summoner with say the "Magic Weapon" spell?

If the Eidolon has Limbs (Legs) and then adds the Claw evolution, does it's natural attacks count as weapons? What if they are enchanted with Magic Fang?

I think I'm over complicating the situation but it seems like to me it's just an odd situation. Over all, RAW, it goes that as long as it's not a magic item in the Eidolon's hand, then the Summoner can wield any magic weapon it wants and vice versa.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Technically, I don't think weapons take 'slots', so both the summoner and the eidolon should be able to use magic weapons without problems.

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