A Few Novice Questions

Pathfinder Society


Hello! I have been a player and GM of Pathfinder for a while, among other things including its unnamed predecessor, and I am contemplating joining the PFS as it looks to be alive and well here in Minnesota. I have a few questions that are not obvious to me after reading the Player’s Guide, though I could have just missed them.

The core options for characters are obviously available, with a few exceptions, but what about the Races of Golarion sourcebooks? Are players allowed to use spells, feats, traits, etc from those books?

The guide noted that you need to spend PP in order to gain levels in a Prestige Class. How does that work exactly? How much does it cost?

The economy is strictly limited, and for good reason. But how much Gold does the average character actually obtain in his adventuring lifetime? If I have a Ranger who wants an Adamantine weapon and Mythral armor, am I reasonably going to be able to afford them?

Can you play in a session twice with different characters, like say you have two active characters in PFS and you play a module you played last month with one character, but now with the other one. So I mean credit for sessions follows characters, not players, yes?

The guide mentioned that a GM gets credit for a session he runs for his character of appropriate level. How does that work exactly? Do you sign off on your own character? Do you need to wait to purchase gear until the next session you actually play in?

Somewhere it was mentioned that there was a post about the distribution of classes in PFS. I have been unable to find it. If someone could link it for me, I would love to take a look at the numbers.

Thank you, in advance.

Silver Crusade 5/5

1) Check out this link, it's at the top in the grey bar from the PFS Landing Page: Additional Resources

2)I've not seen a PP prestige class rule, can you cite that?

3) The gold values if you don't "play up" frequently should hit pretty close to the wealth by level table in the CRB.

4)Credit follows the player, except for specific modules and scenarios ie First Steps scenarios. You can get credit on two different characters if you GM it, and then play under another GM during it.

5) You sign off on your own sheet. I notate GM credit on mine. I purchase the gear when I fill out the sheet, or at the next chance I get.

6) I've not seen it if it exists.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

ThorGN wrote:
Hello! I have been a player and GM of Pathfinder for a while, among other things including its unnamed predecessor, and I am contemplating joining the PFS as it looks to be alive and well here in Minnesota. I have a few questions that are not obvious to me after reading the Player’s Guide, though I could have just missed them.

Hello, fellow Minnesotan! Welcome to PFS!

The core options for characters are obviously available, with a few exceptions, but what about the Races of Golarion sourcebooks? Are players allowed to use spells, feats, traits, etc from those books?

Check out the Additional Resources page. It'll tell you what outside material is legal. If you can't find your book on that list, it's not legal.

The guide noted that you need to spend PP in order to gain levels in a Prestige Class. How does that work exactly? How much does it cost?

I think you mean Prestige Awards. There are certain goods/services you can buy with Prestige Points (such as spellcasting services ala raise dead, or free minor items, etc). Unless I majorly missed something, you level into a Prestige Class normally, with no PP required.

The economy is strictly limited, and for good reason. But how much Gold does the average character actually obtain in his adventuring lifetime? If I have a Ranger who wants an Adamantine weapon and Mythral armor, am I reasonably going to be able to afford them?

Yes, eventually. My 8th level fighter as a +2 adamantine flail, for instance.

Per scenario, subtier 1-2 usually gets you about 500gp, 3-4 about 1,000, 4-5 about 1,500, 5-6 about 3,000, 6-7 about 4,500, 8-9 about 5,500, and 10-11 about 7,500.

I think. Some of those numbers might be a little off, but you get the idea. You'll have enough cash for reasonable gear.

Can you play in a session twice with different characters, like say you have two active characters in PFS and you play a module you played last month with one character, but now with the other one. So I mean credit for sessions follows characters, not players, yes?

You can only ever get player credit once per scenario, no matter what PCs you have. The only way to get a second chronicle for a scenario is to go back and GM it. You can get one player credit and one GM credit per scenario, period. (Well, except for the First Steps series, but that's a special case.)

The guide mentioned that a GM gets credit for a session he runs for his character of appropriate level. How does that work exactly? Do you sign off on your own character? Do you need to wait to purchase gear until the next session you actually play in?

You pretty much award yourself a chronicle sheet, then go about business as normal, just as if you'd played it. Not much changes.

Somewhere it was mentioned that there was a post about the distribution of classes in PFS. I have been unable to find it. If someone could link it for me, I would love to take a look at the numbers.

Not sure what post you're meaning, I'm afraid. What are you trying to find out?


Thank you, in advance.

You're welcome!

Grand Lodge 4/5

ThorGN wrote:
Hello! I have been a player and GM of Pathfinder for a while, among other things including its unnamed predecessor, and I am contemplating joining the PFS as it looks to be alive and well here in Minnesota.

It sure is alive and well in MN! In the first two weeks of April alone we are on track to run about 20-25 tables, if not more.

And this upcoming weekend there are 4 different stores running public events within a 20 mile radius!

I'm going to send you a Private Message and invite you.

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