Please tell me you at least reduced her tip?!? Such an outrage must not go unpunished, and it serves as a teaching moment for her.
Good. That'll learn her not to f#*+ with man's bacon.
Or, more importantly, not giving a man his (curse word) bacon.
Guess who has two thumbs and had bacon for lunch... THIS GUY! Dangit you can't see my thumbs...
It's ok if we can't see.....the bacon does. It sees all. It knows all.
Aberzombie wrote: Guess what I had for dinner last night. Bacon wrapped brains?
I get to go to an 800am GM breakfast prior to the day long gaming at Geek Out 2012 in Asheville NC tomorrow morning ... think I may have to get some coffee to go with my bacon.
I had a good day: Saw The Avengers and then had midnight bacon.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
It's mother's day in Australia. So today we're making crepes with scrambled eggs, schpeck, extra crispy bacon, mushroom, onion, chorizo and hollandaise sauce.
Lilly Handmade Chocolates in Cleveland, Ohion, features the Hawaii 216: a truffle made with milk chocolate, house made pineapple jam, Nueske's smoked bacon, and five-spice milk chocolate ganache.
Who doesn't like bacon? I don't know if I'd want to live in a world without bacon.
-Chef Eva Keilty
Boss Hog's top bacon recipes:
Average Betty's Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno POP Burger
The Bacon Explosion
The Bacon Diaries...
SR: :: Calling to Mrs. SR in another room :: Sweetie? I'm making bacon, you want some?
Mrs. SR: :: Pause :: Nahhh, not today.
SR: :: Pause then mock outrage:: You must not have heard me clearly... I offered you BACON!
Mrs. SR: :: laughs :: Oh, I heard you...
SR: Not with that response.
As I said in another thread, "I understand the words in a dictionary sense but when you put them together like that the comprehension fails".
Clearly, Mrs. SR was feverish and unaware exactly what she was saying. Is she feeling better now?
Indeed! After several infusions of Bacon-y goodness, she has regained her senses. :)
Jess Door wrote: Bringin' home the bacon! I am infused with opiates?!?! I believe I'm going to go smoke myself then.
Bacon tomorrow. I await thee!
I had bacon on a pizza tonight.
Slater's 50/50 Burgers by Design in Anaheim Hills, California, serves a popular bacon milkshake. It's made with bacon syrup, vanilla bean ice cream, whole mile, and bacon bits.
American pork belly bacon has 3 grams of fat per slice, the same as a scant teaspoon of chunky peanut butter.
Dear Mr. Aberzombie,
If a zombie pig wandered into a smoldering hickory grove for several hours, would the result be zombie bacon? If so, would it be edible by the living as well as the living dead, or would it be a delicious, one way ticket to zombiehood.
Inquiring (and hungry) kender want to know.
- Pugglebottom
If you wrapped an orc in bacon and shoved him into a burning building... would the results taste like a smokey bacon-wrapped pork chop?
Damn... now I have a character idea for an evil-aligned chef.
Aberzombie wrote: American pork belly bacon has 3 grams of fat per slice, the same as a scant teaspoon of chunky peanut butter. Mmmmmm...., peanut butter.
BluePigeon wrote: Aberzombie wrote: American pork belly bacon has 3 grams of fat per slice, the same as a scant teaspoon of chunky peanut butter. Mmmmmm...., peanut butter. mmmm ... peanut butter and bacon ...
"A peasant becomes fond of his pig and is glad to salt away its pork. What is significant, and is so difficult for hte urban stranger to understand, is that the two statements are connected by an and, not by a but."
-John Berger
When you're in my house, you shall do as I do and believe who I believe in. So Bart, butter your bacon!
-Homer, The Simpsons
The five best-selling bacon brands in the United States: Private Label, Oscar Mayer, Hormel Black Label, Wright, and Farmland.
Wow! That must have been some serious research.
Oh. Bacon!
Wonder what it takes to be on that testing committee.
Make your own bacon bourbon. Try the recipe at
Can't I just settle for some bacon-wrapped melted mozarella?
In regards to my earlier post about meat reducing the chance of developing rectal cancer; appearently that rule doesn't apply to bacon.
A few things to take away from the above article (which is several months old, I'm aware):
Some people are REALLY serious about bacon.
There is such things as a Bacon Festival!
"...because bacon has become so chic." is really fun to read. I've heard bacon described many ways, but chic was not one of them until today.
Ringtail wrote: In regards to my earlier post about meat reducing the chance of developing rectal cancer; appearently that rule doesn't apply to bacon.
Clearly, there are some people who do not understand English, and the clearly stated #7 of the Rules of Bacon*.
*see page 1 of the thread
Restaurant 3 Bar and Grill in Arlington, Virginia, prides itself on using high-quality pork. Ches source local heritage pigs that are smoked and cured onsite.
16-20 strips of bacon = 1 pound
1 cup of bacon fat = 1 pound
1/4 pound back bacon = 1 cup cracklings
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: baacon baacon
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: baacon baacon baacon
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: baacon baacon baacon baacon
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: Spanky the Leprechaun wrote: baacon baacon baacon baacon baacon