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Classes and other rules:
Prospector d10, full attack progression, 4 skill points, feats, weapon specialisation and sneak attack, good fort and ref, proficient with simple and martial weapons, light, medium and heavy armour
Class skills are: acrobatics, appraise, climb, disable device, escape artist, heal, intimidate, knowledge (local), perception, sense motive, sleight of hand, stealth, survival and swim
LV1 sneak attack +1d6, grit or rage
LV2 feat (fighter feat, for all on this list), weapon/armour specialisation
LV3 sneak attack +1d6, nimble +1
LV4 feat, weapon/armour specialisation
LV5 sneak attack +1d6, deed/rogue talent/rage power
LV6 feat, weapon/armour specialisation
LV7 sneak attack +1d6, nimble +2
LV8 feat, weapon/armour specialisation
LV9 sneak attack +1d6, deed/rogue talent/rage power
LV10 feat, weapon/armour specialisation
LV11sneak attack +1d6, nimble +3
LV12 feat, weapon/armour specialisation
LV13 sneak attack +1d6, deed/rogue talent/rage power
LV14 feat, weapon/armour specialisation
LV15 sneak attack +1d6, nimble +4
LV16 feat, weapon/armour specialisation
LV17 sneak attack +1d6, deed/rogue talent/rage power
LV18 feat, weapon/armour specialisation
LV19 sneak attack +1d6, nimble +5
LV20 feat, weapon/armour specialisation
Technology Master d8, ¾ attack progression, 4 skill points, techno-powers, good fort and will, proficient with simple weapons and 1 exotic weapon of your choice, light, medium and heavy armour
Class skills: craft, disable device, diplomacy, heal, linguistics, knowledge (all), profession, science,
LV1 bomb 1d6, mutagen, eidolon, life link, jack of all trades, weird science
LV2 discovery, bond senses, trapsense
LV3 bomb 2d6, elbow grease +2
LV4 discovery, shield ally
LV5 bomb 3d6, salvage
LV6 discovery, maker’s call
LV7 bomb 4d6, elbow grease +4
LV8 discovery, transposition
LV9 bomb 5d6, metamagic science
LV10 discovery, aspect
LV11 bomb 6d6, elbow grease +6
LV12 discovery, greater shield ally
LV13 bomb 7d6 improved metamagic science
LV14 discovery, life bond
LV15 bomb 8d6, improved jack of all trades
LV16 discovery, merge forms
LV17 bomb 9d6, elbow grease +8
LV18 discovery, greater aspect
LV19 bomb 10d6, exemplar
LV20 discovery, twin eidolon
Survivor d12, ½ attack progression, 8 skill points, specialisations, all good progression on all saves, proficient with simple and martial weapons, light and medium armour
Class skills: appraise, bluff, craft, diplomacy, disable device, disguise, escape artist, handle animal, heal, knowledge (nature), knowledge (local), perception, sense motive, survival
LV1 1st favoured enemy, manoeuvre training, flurry of manoeuvers, track
LV2 evasion, wild empathy, slow fall 20ft, fuse style
LV3 1st favoured terrain, fast movement +10ft, manoeuver defence, trapfinding
LV4 uncanny dodge, monster lore, +1 AC, trap sense +1
LV5 2nd favoured enemy, high jump, reliable manoeuver
LV6 stalwart, stern gaze, fast movement +20ft, trap sense +2
LV7 2nd favoured terrain, slow fall 30ft, meditative manoeuver
LV8 improved uncanny dodge, cunning initiative, +1 AC, trap sense +3
LV9 3rd favoured enemy, fast movement +30ft, fuse style 3
LV10 lore master 1/day, teamwork feat, trap sense +4
LV11 3rd favoured terrain, slow fall 40ft, sweeping maneuver
LV12 improved evasion, teamwork feat, +1AC, fast movement +40ft,
LV13 4th favoured enemy, slow fall 50ft, trap sense +5
LV14 lore master 2/day, teamwork feat, trap sense +6
LV15 4th favoured terrain, fast movement +50ft, tongue of the sun and moon, fuse style 4
LV16 improved stalwart, teamwork feat, +1AC, trap sense +7
LV17 5th favoured enemy, slow fall 60ft, whirlwind manoeuver
LV18 lore master 3/day, teamwork feat, fast movement +60ft,
LV19 5th favoured terrain, slow fall 70ft, trap sense +8
LV20 perfect style, +1AC, slow fall 80ft, fast movement +70ft
Note that favoured enemy now also gives a +2 to diplomacy and intimidation checks
Rule changes:
Heal skill now heals 1d6 points of damage for every 5 on the total of the skill check rounded down, so a skill check of 27 would heal 5d6 points of damage. On the roll of a 1 on a heal skill check the patient suffers a permanent alignment such as blindness, or a permanent -2 on a stat up to the GM.
There is no spellcraft skill or use magic device, but instead there is a science skill which is needed to repair robots, identify chemicals, equipment and to operate computers.
Knowledge (Arcane) does not exist, knowledge (religion) and knowledge (nobility) are now part of knowledge (local)
Light guns count as simple weapons. Guns, rifles, shotguns and explosives count as martial weapons. Energy guns, rocket launchers, flamethrowers and plasma guns are exotic weapons.
Power armour counts as heavy armour for proficiency.
Prices of items stay the same, magic items are still available but only items that give a simple numerical value bonus, like +1 swords or +1d6 fire damage, or belt of +2 strength or cloak +1 to saves and items that heal or remove conditions or give immunities. No other magical items are available. All magic items represent a gadget or some other piece of technology and will be reskinned as such.
There are no undead, outsiders or magical beasts. There are also no other humanoids other than humans, mutants and ghouls.
Races available are human, mutant and ghoul
+4str, +2dex, +2con, -4int, -2wis, -4cha
Medium, speed 30ft
+2 natural armour, darkvision 60ft, ferocity, intimidating (+2 intimidate), sneaky (+4 stealth), light sensitivity
+2con, +2wis, -2cha
Medium, speed 30ft
Darkvision 60ft, light sensitivity
Radiation depended: Ghouls are immune to radiation damage and heal 1hp for every 5 points of radiation damage they should have suffered
Disfigured: Ghouls gain a +2 bonus to intimidate but suffer a -2 penalty to diplomacy checks
Memory of the Time Before: Ghouls gain a +2 bonus to 1 craft, profession or knowledge skill of their choice, and that skill always counts as a class skill for them
So what your thoughts on this?
ps: I still need to do weapons...

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If you're shopping around for rules/ideas, definitely check out:
D20 Apocalypse
D20 Past
D20 Future
D20 Modern (mostly for class-defense bonuses & firearms rules/feats/etc)
Past, Future, and Modern supply all the tables, rules, and whatnot for the core of the game.
Apocalypse provides the radiation, toxicity, mutations, and barter system.
Mutant should not be a player race. At least, not the Fallout Super Mutant variety. I'd peg them at a CR 3-4 for the base unit, pretty similar to Trolls (CR 5, IIRC).
If you wanted a mutant/human "halfbreed" or somesuch, I'd use Orc stats.
Orcs are defined by their class levels—they do not possess racial Hit Dice. All orcs have the following racial traits.
+4 Strength, –2 Intelligence, –2 Wisdom, –2 Charisma: Orcs are brutal and savage.
Darkvision: Orcs can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Light Sensitivity
Weapon Familiarity: Orcs are always proficient with greataxes and falchions, and treat any weapon with the word “orc” in its name as a martial weapon.
Your "Prospector" class is getting Full BAB, Fighter Feats, and Sneak Attack as a Rogue, along with 2 good saves & 4 skill points?

pluvia33 |

I'm actually working on a set of Fallout Pathfinder rules as well, although one big difference in what I'm working on is that I'm not making new classes. I'm just writing guidelines for existing classes to make them fit the Fallout world. Why play Pathfinder if you're barely playing Pathfinder? If you're interested, here's what I have so far for classes:
Available Classes
Alchemist: The Alchemist is the most exotic class allowed in a Fallout campaign. These characters may be seen as witch doctors, mad chemists, crazed addicts, skilled doctors, etc. With more supernatural abilities than any other class in Fallout, their features are closely reviewed and many are re-flavored. Some archetypes and discoveries are not available. The following archetypes are unavailable: Clone Master, Preservationist, Psychonaut, and Reanimator. The following discoveries are unavailable: Alchemical Simulacrum, Alchemical Zombie, Bottled Ooze, Dispelling Bomb, Doppelganger Simulacrum, and Greater Alchemical Simulacrum. Some formulae may also be unavailable.
Barbarian: These warriors are very common in tribal communities and the more feral gangs of the Fallout setting. Some restrictions may be placed on the selection of Su abilities (such as Totem rage powers). The Titan Mauler archetype is unavailable due to the Titanic Rage ability and the fact that characters will rarely (if ever) meet an opponent with a size category larger than themselves.
Cavalier: Though not a hard rule, mounted warriors are not very common in the Fallout world. The Musketeer archetype is highly recommended for Cavalier players.
Fighter: Due to the nature of weapons in Fallout, a fighter’s weapon groups for the purposes of Weapon Training may take some work to get straight. Also, since some weapons are uncommon in the setting, such as bows and crossbows, some archetypes would be a little out of place in Fallout.
Gunslinger: These are classic characters of Fallout, typical wanderers of the wasteland world. Though most of the basic concepts of the Gunslinger fit perfectly with the setting, some of the abilities need adjustment or replacement due to early firearms being the assumed standard for many abilities in the Pathfinder RPG rules.
Monk: Ki abilities do not exist in the Fallout world. The Martial Artist is to be used as the base for all Monk characters. Some archetypes which do not typically mix with the Martial Artist may still be chosen with some adjustments, choosing between abilities which replace the same ability. For example, a Martial Artist/Maneuver Master may be made. In this case, the Reliable Maneuver ability cannot be chosen because it relies on the Ki Pool, so the Monk will have to choose Martial Arts Master to replace Slow Fall. The character must also choose between the Meditative Maneuver and Sweeping Maneuver or all of the pre-20th level Extreme Endurance abilities and may choose whether or not to replace Quivering Palm. The Sensei Archetype is available (perhaps the only way to gain the Bardic Performance ability in the setting), but does not gain the Mystic Wisdom ability. Etc.
Ranger: Must take the Skirmisher or Trapper archetype. Trappers may only make extraordinary traps. Any Ranger may take the Firearm Style ability of the Trophy Hunter archetype in place of their combat feat style without taking the other Trophy Hunter abilities. Due to the limited number of creature types in Fallout, all Rangers replace their favored enemy with the Guide archetype’s Ranger’s Focus ability without taking the full archetype.
Rogue: The Ninja alternate class, as well as the Ki Pool Rogue Talent, is not available. The following Rogue Talents may not be taken: Dispelling Attack, Minor and Major Magic. The following archetypes are unavailable: Chameleon, Sanctified Rogue, and Survivalist.
It's nowhere near finished, but I think I'm off to a good start. It's funny. Kind of like what Psionichamster said, I'm actually planning on using Orc and Half-Orc in the current draft to represent Super Mutants. Yeah, in the games they're more powerful, but that can always be represented by higher levels. Like maybe I won't make any Super Mutant NPCs with fewer than 10 class levels and any player who might want to play as a Super Mutant will start off as a less powerful Super Mutant than most.
Ghoul on the other hand, I'll probably have to make that a custom race. Waiting for the Advance Race book for that.
I have a lot of other rules/guidelines that I'm working on as well for changes to equipment, skills, feats and "magic" items. It will be a bit of work, but should be a lot of fun when it's all finished.

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I'm actually working on a set of Fallout Pathfinder rules as well, although one big difference in what I'm working on is that I'm not making new classes. I'm just writing guidelines for existing classes to make them fit the Fallout world. Why play Pathfinder if you're barely playing Pathfinder? If you're interested, here's what I have so far for classes:
** spoiler omitted **...
This looks fairly promising, actually.
For firearm simplicity, I would recommend a Light Pistol, Heavy Pistol, Light Rifle, Heavy Rifle, Shotgun paradigm.
For example:
Light Pistol: Simple Weapon. Does base 1d6 damage, 20/x3 crit range, requires 1 hand to fire, 2 hands to reload (as a move action). Range Increment 30', Ammo: Depends on the pistol, between 6-15 should work.
Then, you can name them whatever you want, and don't have to worry about re-balancing everything onto D20 modern's "Class Defense / DR" route.
By removing spell-casting, you alleviate a lot of the problems inherent in translating PF to Fallout, but this causes some significant problems as well. At lower levels (say, until level 6 or 7), the martial classes should be more than enough to handle most published monsters.
Similarly, they should be able pick most locks, climb most cliffs, etc. Beyond that level, though, and you start running into a lot of environmental stuff that limits your PCs actions. Lava, sandstorms, underwater, etc, these kind of encounters/environments become a LOT more deadly without those casters' abilities.
Whether this is a bug or a feature, that's up to you to decide. Personally, I'd be more than willing to allow PCs to have access to spells and other Su type stuff, but they would A: have to justify WHY they are able to do what they want, not just "because I'm a wizard"; and B: understand that noone in the world will be able to help/support you.
The "lone sorcerer" or "misunderstood mutant" is a strong enough trope to assimilate into said world. Just my opinion, of course.

pluvia33 |

This looks fairly promising, actually.
For firearm simplicity, I would recommend a Light Pistol, Heavy Pistol, Light Rifle, Heavy Rifle, Shotgun paradigm.
Thanks for the suggestion, but to me going for "simplicity" with firearms would ruin a lot of the fun of a Fallout setting. With all of the crazy guns and other weapons, I'm actually planning on stating out all of them to make them available in some way. Of course they will all pretty much go off of the same proficiency, but other than that, there will be a lot of variety.
Then, you can name them whatever you want, and don't have to worry about re-balancing everything onto D20 modern's "Class Defense / DR" route.
I'll actually be using the Pathfinder firearms and the Armor as DR variant rules from UC, with a slight adjustment. It should work perfectly fine.
By removing spell-casting, you alleviate a lot of the problems inherent in translating PF to Fallout, but this causes some significant problems as well. At lower levels (say, until level 6 or 7), the martial classes should be more than enough to handle most published monsters.
Similarly, they should be able pick most locks, climb most cliffs, etc. Beyond that level, though, and you start running into a lot of environmental stuff that limits your PCs actions. Lava, sandstorms, underwater, etc, these kind of encounters/environments become a LOT more deadly without those casters' abilities.
Remember, I will be doing this as a Fallout setting. For the most part I won't even be using "published monsters." Some of the animals and other monsters may be re-skinned versions of Pathfinder stuff, but a lot of the enemies are going to be original creations or characters who will be bound by the same rules as the PCs. They shouldn't have any problem. And as far as environment goes, I can see sandstorms in the Wastelands of Fallout, but I don't really remember encountering lava in New Vegas (I actually haven't gotten around to playing Fallout 3 so I'm not sure if there's any in that game). So again, I think nothing but non-casters will be fine, as log as everyone is playing by the same rules.
And that's not to say that there isn't going to be any "magic-like" abilities. Technology will mimic a lot of magic from Pathfinder.
Thanks for the feedback, though. It's all something to be considered.

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I usually lean towards the "make it easy to adjudicate" and then use the published rules.
If you're coming up with stuff from scratch, I'm very interested to see what else you have cooked up.
As you said before, Orc + Class Levels = Super Mutants pretty easily.
You will have to come up with some version of Radiation and Radioactive Damage.
As far as monsters go, you're looking at:
Very intriguing.

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My take on power armor (going off memory, so it's just the basics, really).
Takes a long time getting in (4-5 minutes, easily, WITH help), can "pop the can" to evacuate as full-round action if needed.
I think the original stats I had gave some amount of DR or Temp HP as well, but that seems unnecessary at this point.

Thickfreakness |
My take on power armor (going off memory, so it's just the basics, really).
"Enchanted" Full Plate
Requires a Separate Proficiency Slot (Power Armor Proficiency)
Environmentally Sealed for at least 8 hours (with helmet on)
Bonus to Strength & Carry Capacity (as Muleback Cords, perhaps)
Penalty to Dex & Perception (assuming helmet is on)
Built in Geiger Counter, Water & Food dispenser (for 3-7 days), Radio, Lamps, possibly GPS/Mapping module (depending on world-design, obviously)
Can use Large weapons without penalty
Must use specially modified Medium weapons or suffer -2 size penalty Takes a long time getting in (4-5 minutes, easily, WITH help), can "pop the can" to evacuate as full-round action if needed.
I think the original stats I had gave some amount of DR or Temp HP as well, but that seems unnecessary at this point.
Why not make power armor similar to titanic plate?
Price +3 bonus; Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Weight —
A suit of armor with the titanic ability is almost comically oversized, though the effect is superficial and the interior fits a creature normally, with no adjustments necessary. A creature wearing titanic armor is considered one size category larger for the purpose of using or being affected by special attacks that depend on size, such as swallow whole and trample. Once per day on command, the wearer can increase her size as if using enlarge person (even if the wearer is not humanoid) for 1 minute. In addition, once per minute as a free action the wearer can add the armor's enhancement bonus to a single Strength check or combat maneuver check, or to her CMD against a single combat maneuver. Because of its great bulk, the armor check penalty of titanic armor is increased by an amount equal to its enhancement bonus.
Of course, remove the growing power, but even with training power armor is bulky and cumbersome at best. It should realistically weigh over a hundred pounds, and it's clanky and jingly as all hell.
Also, the ghoul and mutant issue.
-1 Str/Dex
+2 Wis
+1 Con
If you consider the average ghoul has been around since the war, or well over a hundred years in general, they're old, and they're well learned. Also, no one has ever been made stronger or more nimble by having half of their skin slough off, although it most certainly raises their pain tolerance.
You could definitely have Glowing One be a working racial archetype, along with Tech Wizards.
Glowing ones would constantly emit radiation, and be healed more by it, though it poses a risk to the party. They'd take a penalty to sneak, and maybe to one other skill?
Tech wizards would be more adept with all aspects of technology, (engineering, repair, maintenance, etc.) but take a penalty to using most weapons or social interactions. Think Nikola Tesla here, brilliant, but b@@&*&% crazy and no social skills/practical world knowledge.
For more info on both, I suggest looking here. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_Tactics_traits
Super Mutants
This could be tricky, but there's certainly a few ways to go around it, half of it depends on what generation of mutant they're going to be.
First gen mutants were, by all means, human 2.0. They were stronger, faster, tougher, and didn't lose any of their intelligence. The nightkin were incredibly capable scouts, even without their stealth boys.
Second gen mutants, such as in fallout 2, and 3, are big muscular dumb asses. They're a little bit stronger, but are very clumsy, more prone to disfiguring mutations, and almost all of them (with the exception of Fawkes and Uncle Leo) are belligerent, aggressive, and incredibly stupid.
1st Gen
+2 Str
+2 Con
+1 Dex
-1 Cha
+1 Str
+1 Con
+2 Dex
+1 Wis
-2 Cha
These would be very, very powerful for a PC, however.
2nd Gen
+2 Str
+2 Con
-1 Dex
-2 Int
Also, for all mutants, (even though nightkin are slightly smaller) they should be classified as large. They stand a little over 10 foot, and weigh in at several hundred pounds, almost all of it muscle, i'd say that qualifies.
Nightkin, due to their prolonged stealth boy use, develop schizophrenia and as such would receive a pen to Cha.