Animate Dead question

Rules Questions

Ok so here is a question for those familiar with the spell animate dead and the various multitudes of different types of skeletons/Zombies.

A friend recently showed me Classic Horrors Revisited complete with about 8-10 new forms of variant zombie/skeleton and it says these can be stacked like a normal variant of each unless written otherwise.

My question is I know to create a variant skeleton it costs you double the amount of hd to cast the spell as the creature would produce (I.E. A burning skeleton of 10hd costs you 20hd of the spell) But count as there normal hd for controling them.

My question is how do you apply this with adding multiple different variants of these when casting the Animate Dead spell?

Also because I was lookng at the Magus variant zombie/skeleton which it retains its casting. How does that work with the normal variant zombie/Skell? It says its CR is +1 per CL of the zombie but how does that translate for the animate dead spell?

Any help would be appreciated.

Usually in PF when you have two effects that both would double something, the endresult is x3.
Having 3 x2 effects would be a x4 and so on.

I don't really am an expert on undead, but I guess that same rule applies here too.

The Magus variant is a variant of Zombie Lord / Skeleton Knight, both of which must be created with a much stronger spell than Animate Dead (Create Undead or the Greater version).

That said, essentially, for each template you apply to a skeleton, add the creature's HD again for purposes of seeing how many you can animate at once and how much GP it costs.

So your saying that if, for example, i wanted to make a Bloody, burning skeletal champion I'd have to first use Create Undead as animate dead doesn't cover Skeletal champions, and then for stacking the first template (bloody) I'd consider it to have double its HD for how much i can create, and if i wanted to add Burning I'd have to use the base creature's HD x3 for the purposes of seeing if i can create it?

Now how does this go to the rule of you cant create a Skeletal champion who's HD is greater then your CL? Would i use the original character's HD (since i'm only using x3 its HD for the purposes of stacking the templates, it doesnt actually increase its HD. Or would i have to use the HD x3?

Any help would be appreciate and thank you for the responses so far.

And in reguards to the magus and skeletal Champion stacking with the other templates it specifically says you can stack these with the skeletal champion. I assume by reverse it can be applied to the Zombie Lord as this is meant to be the zombie's version of the skeletal champion.

it also raises the question that since in Classic Horrors revisited since any of those templates can be applied to zombies or skeletons unless a template says otherwise does this mean that the base templates (Bloody,Burning,Plague carrying [obviously not fast]) can be applied to zombies and skeletons?

I ask this as i'd love to play a JuJu Oracle and use Spirit Vessles to make interesting and formitable undead minions. (the dm is very much a high powered gamer, regular undead would just get torn to shreds which is why we've never used em as normal minions (animal companions/Edolons) usually get 2 shotted, since you cant equip em.


I also wanted to ask. Can any type of creature be turned into an undead now? I see that the pathfinder game has removed the restriction to what type of dead creature can be animated.

I ask because I recently acquired a maralith corpses (as it doesnt seem that the corpses of outsiders dissapear when the creature is killed.) and count as 16cl for the purposes of creating undead. So I was wondering, could i use create undead with enervation to be ablt to create outsiders as Juju Zombies/Skeletal Champions/Other templated undead?

I have the juju Spirit Vessles ability and it says i can create 6hd per CL with animate dead and since Create undead functions as per animate dead I was thinking about creating A bloody JuJu Zombie out of it. (16hd x 3 for the purposes of creating a zombie with two different variants if this is actually how this works.)

But i still want to find out if you need to x3 the monsters HD that you want to create with 2 different variants.

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