The astounding shapeshifting magus?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I realize that druids are usually considered to be the best shapeshifting class, what with natural spell and all. But recently I've been thinking about the potential for a polymorphing magus.

1) In terms of BaB, the magus can go toe to to with a druid. The same goes for hit dice.

2) The magus can eventually wear heavy armor, which can contribute to being even tougher than the druid.

3) The magus has access to all the undead anatomy spells. To me this is key to his shapeshifting glory, because the forms allowed in transformation can usually handle the verbal and somatic components involved in casting. Thus, like the druid, the magus can cast while morphed.

4) The math: With Undead Anatomy IV, taking the form of a large undead will really help you out. you take a -1 to your ac from being large and a -1 to ac from the spell taking away 2 dex, but gain +6 natural armor, resulting in a net bonus of +4 AC.

The +6 strength and +2 con don't hurt either.

So do you think the magus can out-morph the druid?

Shadow Lodge

Unless there is some way they can take 8th level wizard spells that I don't know about, the magus is limited to Undead Anatomy III.

Eldritch Knight is the route with access to all the polymorph spells plus they can take the MultiMorph arcane discovery to shift between available shapes.

Ah! I forgot about that, lol. Magus only gets up to UA3

Early Undead Anatomy spells still look pretty sweet. A medium undead still gets a +1 to natural armor and a +2 to strength, and you get any abilities listed by the spell if the assumed form has them.

Shadow Lodge

Take a look at the Monstrous Physique spells (to assume the form of Monstrous Humanoids) I think they are a little better for caster/ stabber types.

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