Low intelligence animal companions and fly skill

Rules Questions

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Hi all,

Another question which may underline my ignorance, but the following conundrum came up whilst building an eagle animal companion.

Intelligence is the ability associated with the fly skill, but most animals have very low intelligence scores. Thus mechanically, shouldn't they be taking a massive penalty to fly checks due to only a few skill ranks and a quite unfriendly ability modifier?

Or do low intelligence birds use a different ability modifier with the fly skill (perhaps wisdom?) in the same way some lighter animals can use dexterity in place of strength when making climb checks?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Doh! Dexterity is the associated ability. Ignore me and my senseless ramblings!

Fly is a Dex-based skill. Where do you see it being based on Int?

Dexterity is the ability associated with the Fly skill.

EDIT: Ninja'd by 43 seconds.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

I ninja'd myself. Twas an error on my character sheet. Note to self, check the book before running crying to the message boards.

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