enough with the waiting..... i'd like a players guide soon!!!

Skull & Shackles

I think everyone is suitably lathered up for this adventure path and caught up on books. i'd like a player's guide as soon as possible. with how long everyone has waited -wasn't it supposed to come out in march originally?- i don't think it's asking too much. who's on board?

kudos to the developers for undertaking such a daunting project.

Perfect user name for this topic.

Wha? Is it out? I can't find it on the AP page. :(

I'm not trying to sound pushy or like a jerk, i'm just really psyched up for this ap and anything new would awesome.

Caught up on what books?

All the books.
the campaign setting, player's companions, modules, and all the adventure paths that interested me (jade regent, kingmaker, carrion crown, serpent's skull) i'm just waiting for skull and shackles and rune lords redux.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

The player's guide will be released when the PDF for the first adventure is made available to the subscribers, which will probably be in the second week of April, my current guess would be around Monday, April 10th.

Zaister wrote:
The player's guide will be released when the PDF for the first adventure is made available to the subscribers, which will probably be in the second week of April, my current guess would be around Monday, April 10th.

thanks i was hoping for a bit sooner but that'll have to do i suppose:), i've already waited this long another two weeks won't be that bad.

i started the thread in a moment of weakness and boredom (my kids were at the grandparents farm so i was pretty bored, with nothing new to read (not a problem for some, for me no fun at all).
if the title sounds bossy i'm sorry ( it is a rather whiney title, ugh! *slaps forehead with palm*)

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
captain yesterday wrote:
... nothing new to read ...

If that's the main problem, let me take a moment to recommend the excellent Way of the Wicked Adventure Path by Fire Mountain Games. It's a well-thought-out campaign for evil characters. If you're ameneable to these kind of things, you might enjoy reading it. I'll certainly be playing this soon with one of my groups.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Well, I know it's no consolation (I'm chomping at the bit just like you for this AP to get released), but I would guess that Paizo is as eager to get this product into our hands as we are to have it.

I think my biggest schedule gripe at this point is that Paizo didn't double up on releasing the first two adventures in the AP in the same month in order to compensate for missing a month of releases (March); instead IIRC they are releasing two modules around GenCon. Having the first two Skull & Shackles adventures in hand at the same time would have been more useful to me as a DM than having the last Skull & Shackles adventure release as the same time as the first adventure in Shattered Star.

Anyway, yes I'm with you on wanting some Skull & Shackles products to release. It's gonna be a long next couple of weeks...

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I'd rather see the player's guide released 2 or 3 weeks ahead of the 1st issue of an AP to help drum up subscriptions for a particular AP.

I agree with you turin, as a gm i'd prefer to have the player's guide a couple weeks beforehand so i can go thru it thoroughly before getting the adventure (especially with the jade regent and the caravan rules). Also thanks zaister i'll check it out, tho i ran serpent's skull with mostly evil party.

It is not that long to wait. I am really waiting for the Advanced Races Guide and that has been moved until about June. I know that both products will be worth the wait.

Patience obtains all things!

Grand Lodge

I agree that releasing the players guide earlier makes more sense to me. If I want to get a group together and start playing then I want the players guide to get into the hands of my perspective players early so they can get to work on character development.

I too would prefer the first two books come out at the same time rather than the last two. I am finishing Carrion Crown now and wish I had run the earlier books differently now that I have seen all of the books.

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