Concern for players that play too much can't recieve credit

Pathfinder Society

So I started playing Pathfinder (Society) in about November 2011, and I have to say I really enjoy being in a gaming group, and getting to play something more open than video games without all the annoying players that come with it (with minor exceptions.)

My concern is, however, is with those that play Pathfinder whenever they possibly can. Again, I love playing Pathfinder, but I am in the same group as I previously mentioned. I feel bad when I end up having GMs have to do a different scenario because I already did a scenario. It could be because of all the new players and playing low levels, but it still concerns me. I'm not so sure on learning to GM as reading some of the scenarios just confused me on where to start.

Is there really anything we can do about players that just like playing Pathfinder Society to the point of running out of scenarios to play for credit. I understand the whole thing about playing the scenario twice due to spoilers, and being able to just breeze through it without much challenge.

(Sorry if I sound confusing, I'm not really great at grammar.)

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Marthian, unfortunately this topic has been discussed many times in other threads. There are close to 100 scenario's and modules to play so I find it hard to believe you are out of options since November of 2011. Your choices are to GM a few games and try a few modules here and there. There are only a few people who manage to play so much that they run out of options and I don't see the replay rule changing for the minority of gamers.



There are limits to what one can do in Pathfinder Society after playing all of the scenarios for credit. The natural next step is to start GMing. You voiced some concern about running a scenario yourself, but I assure that it's not so bad as you might think. To get used to how GMing works, try taking a few quick notes about how the GM manages the table during your next game. Ask him or her a few questions afterwords. Here are a few good ones:

- What was the hardest part of the scenario for you? How did you handle it?
- What are some of your tricks for making NPCs seem realistic?
- Did we slow down play at any point? How did you get us back on track?

As you think more about GMing, you'll notice more GM tricks in action. Players are often very accommodating of a first time GM, and everyone will help you to get your "sea legs."

I would be happy to recommend a few scenarios to try for your first go at GMing, and I am also open to helping a prospective GM to work through his or her first adventure. Let me know how I can help. If you can make it to Paizo Con, I'll be teaching a class on GMing (for beginners and experts alike).

If playing is your preference, give the Adventure Paths a try. It sounds like you have a good group in your area, and the Adventure Paths are designed for a dedicated group to play a longer adventure that takes the characters from 1st to roughly 14th level. They're a great way to play Pathfinder while waiting for that next great scenario to hit the virtual shelves.

Liberty's Edge

You can also try to find and become involved in a home campaign which utilizes Pathfinder rules. Home campaigns have both advantages and disadvantages as compred to Pathfinder Society organized play. Just as one example, they are more customizable; but your home character would not be eligible for Pathfinder Society orgaized play. In regard to home campaigns, you might want to check postings in your local game shop, or the venue where you play Pathfinder now, or you might want to post your request for inclusion in a home game on these boards.


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I understand your concern, While I cannot do much about seemingly running out of things to play; perhaps I can help with reading scenarios.

First thing I do is to make note card initiative cards for the npcs that I'll need to run:


Name AC HP Int Mod
melee weapons
Range weapon

1 2 3 4 (number of baddies)

This gives me a good clue as to what sorts of research I need to do on spells, classes etc. If there are things I'm unfamiliar with I make cheat sheets that give me the information at a quick glance.

The second thing I do is to highlight important parts of the scenario
pink -- is additional background information, things I want to try and
include to help make the story richer
Green -- are any skill DCs that the pcs need to hit
Purple -- faction missions (I only highlight the name of the faction)
Blue -- additional information (nothing specific just what else is

The third thing is I look at the maps, I see which ones I have in flipmaps, map cards, or ones that need to be hand drawn. I make sure that with the hand drawn ones I read the rooms descriptions so that when I start to draw the map matches the npc, etc.

I don't know if that will help, but perhaps it will give you a starting point if you want to GM. If there are specifics that are troubling you feel free to throw them out here; or send me a PM and I'll see what I can do to help you.

Grand Lodge 5/5

I agree with the others who say you can likely handle running scenarios. They are all fairly straight forward. If you do find yourself having trouble in spots, or dont understand how something is supposed to play out in the game, you can always check in the 'GM Discussion' section of the boards. Just searching for the name of the scenario you are going to run often will give you a whole thread of people who have been asking questions about that scenario. It might even have some answers to the questions you had, or ones you hadnt thought of yet.

Good luck!

4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Arizona—Tucson

If you know several players who are so active that they have burned through most of the Pathfinder Society scenarios and available modules, I recommend that you get one of them to start a regular game using one of the adventure paths. Hopefully that will slow down the rate that they're ripping through PFS adventures.


Marthian I would suggest GM'ing the First Step Series and We Be Goblins, Crypt of the Everflame and Godsmouth Heresy. I am not sure how much you play but you could also GM the scenarios you have played.

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