Thorne, the Most Powerful Mage |
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Title: Why I am leaving the Pathfinder Society, by Thorne, the Most Powerful Mage in *All* Absalom
TODAY is my last day at the Society.
After almost 12 levels, first as a summer recruit, then in the Grand Lodge, and now in working in Sothis, I believe I have worked here long enough to understand the trajectory of its culture, its people, and its global quest for artifact hording. And I can honestly say that the environment now is as toxic and destructive as I have ever seen it.
To put the problem in the simplest terms: the interests of the Decemvirate continue to be focused solely on the acquisition of artifacts and knowledge not destined for the good of Golarion. This is achieved at the expense of humanoid-kind, the natural environment, tombs of long-dead Osirian monarchs, and various Azlanti ruins. The Pathfinder Society is one of the world’s largest and most important artifact and historical heritage collectors and it is too integral to global procurement to continue to act this way. The Society has veered so far from the place I joined right out of the lodge that I can no longer in good conscience say that I identify with what it stands for.
The Society is one of the Golarion's largest and most important adventuring organizations and has too much potential as a peacekeeper and global sheriff to continue to act this way. The Society has veered so far from the place I joined right out of Grand Lodge that I can no longer in good conscience point menacingly (with words of arcane power on my lips) and say that I identify with what it stands for.
For more than two years, I trained and adventured with my fellow pathfinders, some of whom were unworthy copycats, through our grueling adventuring process (Explore. Report. Cooperate.) In 4710, I managed the summer expedition to recover in strange artifacts in Osirion with the 4 to 5 other recruits who made the cut.
I knew it was time to leave when I realized I could no longer explain to my fellow Pathfinders about what was happening to our returned artifacts with any certainty nor what the Decemvirate intended to do with them.
What happens to them after the Decemvirate gets the returned and acquired knowledge and artifacts? The Society changed the way it thought about acquisition of knowledge and power. Knowledge used to be about ideas, setting an example, and using that knowledge to the betterment of Golarion. Today, if you make enough prestige you will be promoted into a position of influence, even if you have no idea about the true motives of the Society.
What are four quick ways to become a leader in the Society? a) Execute numerous successful missions in which you risk your life. b) 'Hunt Oliphants'. In Common: - manipulate a massive Society-wide shadow conspiracy against the Society itself then leverage that shadow war into a seat as a Faction Head. c) Orchestrate numerous assassinations against the Decemvirate while working from the inside (Note: might end badly). d) Betray one's own chosen faction by assisting other factions and seeking their assistance in return, all in the pursuit of fame.
When I was a first-year recruit I didn't know what a wayfinder was, or how to tie my wrist sheathes with magic, or what wand I should purchase with my first 2 PA. I was taught to be concerned with learning to draw a weapon while moving, finding out what a Meteor Hammer was, and memorizing the correct spells so I could incinerate my foes with a single spell.
My proudest moments in life - when the Shadow Lodge attacked Absalom, fighting through the streets of Absalom then avoiding acidification at the hands of a ancient lizard - have all come through hard work, with no shortcuts.
The Society today has become too much about shortcuts to artifacts and knowledge and not enough about making Golarion better for anyone. It just doesn’t feel right to me anymore.
I hope this can be a wake-up call. I hope that the knowledge that the Society has gained over the last two years can be used to make Golarion great again: what is the point of uncovering lost knowledge if not to use it to remake the mistakes of the past? We need to weed out the morally bankrupt people, no matter how many dinosaurs they can summon, how many assassinations they execute based on orders from their Faction Heads, or how many weapons they use to flurry. And get the culture right again, so people want to join the Society for something more than the nihilistic pursue of knowledge for the pursuit's sake. People who care only about knowledge will not sustain this Society — or the trust of its Pathfinders — for very much longer.
Guioh |
... So exits yet another player from the Game.
Or is this yet another case of the "One who protesteth a bit much?". Only a simpleton would consider the Society anything but a means to power.
The Decembivirate sees us all as it's tools... as it properly should. Only a naive child would expect any different, or a Pathfinder so blind that he won't survive his second day in the field.
The real challenge is to make them your tools in turn, by playing their game better than they do.
More than likely I think, this is merely a facade, a cover story for someone entering the deep game. Perhaps someday I will see. Personally I think he overplayed the idealistic angle too much.
Everyone in the Society here comes with it to their own agenda. The "Helping Others" facade is an interesting one to employ, but harder to carry off, for what fool believes in the well intent of others?
Sister Isabella |
Fellow Pathfinder,
Our paths have never crossed, but your fame precedes you. I have, like most Pathfinders, heard of the exploits of the mighty Archmage Thorne. Reading the Pathfinder Chronicles throughout my training, and my relatively short time so far as a field agent, I've been amazed to read of your many exciting adventures and thrilling victories. I hope you won't think it's too forward of me, but I'd like to respond to the complaints about the Society in your letter of retirement.
I, too, share your concerns about the Pathfinder Society. The Society bills itself as fighting for the greater good, but our missions are often focused on acquiring powerful artifacts or achieving vague objectives, with no explanation as to how these things fit into the grand scheme of the Society's goals.
This is why I am a member of the Silver Crusade. I know many Pathfinders think of us as a bunch of "lawful stupid" paladin types, with no brains or personalities, but I assure you this is not the case. While law and order are important factors to many of our members, our highest ideal is fighting for the greater good of all sentient people everywhere in Golarion. This is why we often ally ourselves with citizens of Andoran in the freeing of slaves, even in circumstances where such actions might be against the law.
The Silver Crusade exists to drive the Society away from mysterious, shadowy goals and towards the light of goodness and honesty. Our leaders influence the Decemvirate as much as they can, while field agents like myself set a proper example for all Pathfinders to see.
To be blunt, our Crusade could use a famous and powerful agent such as yourself on our side. If someone as powerful and famous as the Archmage Thorne were to join us, it would go a long way towards aiding our fight against the corruption within the Society.
I hope you'll give serious consideration to my invitation. Rather than abandon the Pathfinder Society, please consider aiding us to change it from within.
May the blessings of the Dawnflower be upon you,
Sister Isabella, Priestess of Sarenrae
Farak, the Most Powerful Mage |
Do not be fooled by the pretender Thorne. I, Farak, am the Most Powerful Mage in All Absalom.
While Thorne has come to see the flaws in the Decemvirate's plan he reveals himself to be nothing but a coward by abandoning his companions.
Thorne, I am glad that you have seen the light and realized that the Decemvirate mistreats its members and does a poor job unifying Pathfinders under a common flag. Abandoning your friends and companions is not the way to salvation though.
Muammar Gaddafi |
I am disappointed that the Decemvirate was unsympatheic to my personal problems when I was having..."troubles" in my native Qadira.
The Sczarni are an interesting bunch, and they have agreed to assist me in my dilemma. Interestingly enough, the Decemvirate wants me to participate in the Ruby Phoenix Tournament. I think I need to take this opportunity to look for a new base of operations in Tien Xia. Surely it cannot be worse over there.