Spinkler |
Hi everybody!
So my group and I have been having a LOT of fun with Pathfinder weekly sessions over the past four weeks. I'd like to present my latest adventure, the fourth part (third sequel) in the beginner box "Black Fang" quest line.
After our initial encounter with the first beginner box quest, I put together some custom content for the map provided in the GM guide as the sequel, which included Thelsikar the evil cleric in the depths of Raven's Watch.
After that second quest, I created my very first complete module that would follow on as a sequel to Raven's Watch, which can be found here. The feedback I received was immensely beneficial and really helped to make the night memorable.
My adventurers now have their hands on two vials of elixir that Thelsikar was using to strengthen Black Fang, and since defeating Black Fang herself they have managed to acquire a black dragon egg. I understand raising a dragon is not easy, but I intend to modify the rules slightly as we go along to create a fun and engaging experience for my players. I intend to use this experience for us all to explore some of the more uncommon rules as we all progress through our very first Pathfinder experience.
I'm quite proud of these modules so far, considering I'm very new to all this, and I'd honestly love to show them off a little as well as receive any constructive criticism that anybody would like to offer. I only had two nights to work on this, and ideally I'd love to get some more time to polish this up. I've been pretty busy lately, but given more time I'd love to add more detail to my notes so that I have an easier time making the story flow while at the table. Some of these notes are designed to read directly to the party, while others are for my eyes only and simply meant as a guide. In future I hope to divide this information in a cleaner manner so the modules are easier to read.
So thank you for reading my slab of text, and without further ado I present the module itself, which has been loosely designed for an average party level of 4 (I'm still getting the hang of encounter design!)
MAP: http://i.imgur.com/ErCDX.jpg
The Search for an Answer
• Trapped Adventurer - Trynn Farrows
• Dryad - Nim
• Water Elemental
• Werewolves
• Wolves
• Barghest
• Venomous Snakes
Nettlewood, a dense forest north of Black Fang’s Dungeon about four miles east of Sandpoint.
• Information on the dragon egg
• Minor Treasure
• Major Treasure
• The party seeks information on the egg they looted from Black Fang’s Nest.
• One week after completing Black Fang’s Nest.
The party encounters the adventurer they freed from the trap in Black Fang’s Nest and he finally introduces himself as Trynn Farrows, Ranger of the South. He has recovered well and is very friendly with the group. During conversation he discovers the party have found Black Fang’s last surviving egg, and mentions a very wise Dryad who goes by the name of Nim who may be able to provide more information on its uses.
Trynn, being the trusty ranger that he is, provides the adventurers a map of the area of Nettlewood that Nim resides in. He also warns the adventurers of werewolves that inhabit Nettlewood… Trynn recommends the adventurers seek a silver weapon if they intend to venture into the woods at night.
As he is a ranger who has an extreme aversion to all things unnatural, he offers the party 250gp for each werewolf tail the party brings back to him. The tails must be cut from the corpses quickly, before they return to human form.
- Wolves
You step into a large clearing, occupied by a pack of hungry wolves. Bones litter the ground, and the grass is quite tall here. The rough terrain of their home turf gives the wolves an attack bonus of +5. Upon being discovered, the majority of wolves hide, ready to hunt.
2.Snake Pit
- Venomous Snakes
A shallow (5ft deep) pit is here, filled with venomous snakes. The first adventurer to step into this area takes automatic poison damage of 1d4 with a Fort Save DC13. Once the snakes are cleared, a second group appears from the trees and attack the adventurers, receiving an automatic surprise attack.
- Water Elemental
A small lake is here and lies very still. Upon interacting with the water in any way two water elementals springs to life, receiving a surprise attack on the party.
- Nim the Dryad
The party enters a peaceful grove with an open canopy. A very large tree is here, the home of Nim. She agrees to help the adventurers with the information they seek, but only if they agree to clear the nearby forest of the cursed werewolves whom are responsible for upsetting the natural balance.
Upon returning to Nim, she explains; “The egg is warm to the touch, I expect it will hatch within the next six months or so. This is no easy feat, adventurers, dragons are extremely difficult to rear and they can take centuries to mature. This is not to mention the fact that what you hold in your hands is indeed a black dragon egg. Black dragons are evil creatures by nature, but are also incredibly intelligent - even at a young age. Do not expect this dragon to mature with a weak will; the creature will eventually develop its own agenda and will stop at nothing to satisfy its own desires. That is, unless you can find some way to make a deal with it or otherwise make yourselves necessary.
Be aware that while it is young it will need guidance in order to survive and will initially become attached to one or more members of your group, provided you are the first living beings that it awakens to.
You have helped me by ridding my forest of the werewolves and so I will tell you that I have heard of methods that have been used to speed up the aging process significantly through the use of magic or alchemy, but such things are unnatural and I will take no part in these rituals.”
- Half-buried treasure chest
A half-buried treasure chest lies here containing a potion of remove curse and 5 gems worth 20gp each.
- Barghest
- Wolves
A small clearing appears to be occupied by wolves. As the party enters this area, the foremost wolf shape shifts into a Barghest and attempts to charm the first person it sees before initiating an attack.
- Pile of bones, including some treasure
As you enter this part of the forest the foul stench of rotting flesh causes you to recoil and cover your nose. A large pile of bones can clearly be seen, with tracks leading to and from the west.
A skill check reveals that some of these tracks are belong to wolves, while others belong to humans.
A search of the bone pile reveals some gems worth 50gp total, a gold necklace worth 10gp, and a campfire bead (page 57, GM handbook), all contained in a belt pouch.
- Werewolves
- Wolves
A quaint old cottage is here. This must be the home of the werewolves disturbing the balance of this forest! Two werewolves are discovered inside the cottage, and as combat is initiated two stealthed wolves join the fray from outside the cottage.