The Indigo Tribe


I'm a die-hard Green Lantern comic book fan and I'm enjoying the rivalry between Sinestro and Hal Jordan and I have been waiting for Johns and Crew to explain their origin and connection to Abin Sur.

Without further diliberations, Previews here and here will make there way to the comic stores in a week or two.

I have my suspicions about the Indigo tribe, but I do not want to spoil it.

Not at all a fan of where the main book is going, but that's because I don't care for sinestro as a hero and I dislike hal. Am enjoying glc, but I don't like the fact that they have turned my beloved john Stewart into a psychopath and that the ptb have decided that guy Gardner works best as monodimensional character. Still, can't wait to see what goes on with the other corps, I think they are the best idea to come by in a whole.

I agree, but the DC's color spectrum war is the finest idea yet. We're looking at the fallout between the confrontation of several institutions. I can't wait to see what Guardians are planning in several issues to come.

Still of the opinion that Willpower is not an emotion. Courage is an emotion. Willpower, not so much.

It'd do them better to say "Willpower is the driving force behind your ability to focus this particular emotion."

So, your force of Will enables your Courage to burn through blackest night and create a light that ensures no evil escapes your sight.

I have such a love/hate relationship with Geoff Johns. On the one hand, he has revitalized Green Lantern, one of my longest loved and most favorite heroes.

On the other hand, he completely destroyed Superboy's origin story, has no idea how cloning really works (I understand a need for cinematic license, but come on) and repeatedly allows people like Liefeld to keep working.

Such a love/hate thing.

I guess I "hote" him.

You're a Liefeld, hater, er, critic. He's taking over Hawkman (one of my favs next to Green Lantern) and Terminator, so I expect to see those books in the cancellation block soon enough.

BluePigeon wrote:

I'm a die-hard Green Lantern comic book fan and I'm enjoying the rivalry between Sinestro and Hal Jordan and I have been waiting for Johns and Crew to explain their origin and connection to Abin Sur.

Without further diliberations, Previews here and here will make there way to the comic stores in a week or two.

I have my suspicions about the Indigo tribe, but I do not want to spoil it.

While I love the revitalized Green Lantern books, the long-overdue return of Hal Jordan, and the forces of the color spectrum angle, I loathe the new 52. I particularly, HATE, the attempt to make Sinestro a simpathetic here/anti-hero, particularly after the wanton slaughter he brought about in forming the Sinestro Corps.

Sinestro is a villain. Period. Ilike multi-dimensional villains, but I have the same reflexive gag reflex every time Marvel tries to paint Magneto as a hero, too.

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BluePigeon wrote:
You're a Liefeld, hater, er, critic. He's taking over Hawkman (one of my favs next to Green Lantern) and Terminator, so I expect to see those books in the cancellation block soon enough.

I am indeed a critical observer of Mr. Liefeld. Why?

Because he has demonstrated repeatedly that he has no defined grasp of anatomy, yet he is constantly given work doing art for major comics.

Because his stories are shallow, one dimensional, and trite, yet he is constantly given work doing writing for major comics.

He has a track record of ruining sales numbers on every comic he is given, yet for some completely unfathomable reason he is repeatedly given big name titles, and his name is flung about as though he is the single-handed bringer of sequential art salvation.

Mister Liefeld is rude and distasteful to his public, and by all accounts (and interviews he has given support this) is a complete egotist.

Where Jim Lee and the rest of the early 90's big-name crowd took their fame seriously, applied themselves, and became forces to be reckoned with, Liefeld has ridden his fame without care to buckle down and really improve his trade. He gets work based on his name and connections alone, despite the fact that he is universally reviled among his public.

So, yes. I'm critical of him. In an industry where people with amazing talent and dedication are struggling just to get their foot through the door at a major company like Marvel or DC, his continued mediocrity is an affront.

I keep hearing this, but I also hear he's a nice guy who isn't nearly as talented as he thinks he is, but also doesn't say half the things attributed to him. Which is it?

jemstone wrote:
BluePigeon wrote:
You're a Liefeld, hater, er, critic. He's taking over Hawkman (one of my favs next to Green Lantern) and Terminator, so I expect to see those books in the cancellation block soon enough.

I am indeed a critical observer of Mr. Liefeld. Why?

Because he has demonstrated repeatedly that he has no defined grasp of anatomy, yet he is constantly given work doing art for major comics.

Because his stories are shallow, one dimensional, and trite, yet he is constantly given work doing writing for major comics.

He has a track record of ruining sales numbers on every comic he is given, yet for some completely unfathomable reason he is repeatedly given big name titles, and his name is flung about as though he is the single-handed bringer of sequential art salvation.

Mister Liefeld is rude and distasteful to his public, and by all accounts (and interviews he has given support this) is a complete egotist.

Where Jim Lee and the rest of the early 90's big-name crowd took their fame seriously, applied themselves, and became forces to be reckoned with, Liefeld has ridden his fame without care to buckle down and really improve his trade. He gets work based on his name and connections alone, despite the fact that he is universally reviled among his public.

So, yes. I'm critical of him. In an industry where people with amazing talent and dedication are struggling just to get their foot through the door at a major company like Marvel or DC, his continued mediocrity is an affront.

Freehold DM wrote:
I keep hearing this, but I also hear he's a nice guy who isn't nearly as talented as he thinks he is, but also doesn't say half the things attributed to him. Which is it?

Of his ego, I only know what I have read of his interviews in (the sadly now defunct) Wizard and similar trades, coupled with people I know (whom I trust) who have had dealings with him. Some accounts are neutral. Most are not.

Don't misunderstand: I give the guy props for taking a risk and helping found Image - creator owned comics are a bright, shining star in the world of sequential art, and a company that supports that trend is A-ok in my book.

However, I really don't fathom why someone who resigned before he could be kicked out of the company he helped found (under what would most likely have become charges of embezzling) is still generating positive consideration from the industry.

Back on the subject of the Indigo Tribe, however - their emotion is supposed to be Compassion... And NOTHING they've done in any of their appearances has shown them to be at all compassionate. Makes me wonder how Johns et al are going to wrangle this one in.

jemstone wrote:
Back on the subject of the Indigo Tribe, however - their emotion is supposed to be compassion... And NOTHING they've done in any of their appearances has shown them to be at all compassionate. Makes me wonder how Johns et al are going to wrangle this one in.

Ah thank you. Proselyte's (The embodiment of Compassion) exists to spread "good will" and is drawn to individuals or incidents were compassion is vacant or diminished. Much like the Star Sapphire's Predator. I believe Proselyte is the driving force behind its group and has a direct, but unseen hand in what they do. I'm seeing acts of expulsion, mercy killing, forced conversion, and enslavement. I'm starting to see a pattern and I believe the tribe members are deviants and ex-felons of some sort.

Case-in-point below,

From Wikipedia:
"The Indigo Tribe wields the indigo light of compassion. In an interview, Geoff Johns said of the Indigo Tribe: "I've been very careful with Indigo because they're not what everyone expects, and they act very differently than what everyone expects."[31] On that note, Dr. Robin S. Rosenberg (writer of college psychology textbooks and editor of the anthology The Psychology of Superheroes) describes compassion as being able to have empathy for someone while maintaining enough distance to understand their motivations.[32]"

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