Newbie Skill question

Rules Questions

When I level and put another rank into a class skill, does this mean I get an additional +3 for each rank I put into it? For example... I have climbing as a class skill, so at level 1 if I put a rank into it I get +4 (without ability modifier). So at level 2 I decide to put another rank in it... does that mean it goes up to +8?


The +3 for class skills is added only once, and only the first time you put a +1 rank in said skill.
In your example:
Level 1) +1 rank in Climb (class skill) add +3 = +4
Level 2) +1 rank in Climb = +5
don't forget that Climb also takes the bonus (or penalty) from Strenght modifier.

Ok thank you for clarifying, there would be some crazy skill bonuses otherwise!

Not necessarily true.There are ways of having insane skill bonuses at level 1:
A character of mine,female half elf infernal bloodline sorcerer with the feat Skill Focus Bluff (+3) Charisma 19 (+4) the trait Charming (+1) and the Bluff class skill (+3) started playing with a net +11 to bluff!!!!!!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Gandal wrote:

Not necessarily true.There are ways of having insane skill bonuses at level 1:

A character of mine,female half elf infernal bloodline sorcerer with the feat Skill Focus Bluff (+3) Charisma 19 (+4) the trait Charming (+1) and the Bluff class skill (+3) started playing with a net +11 to bluff!!!!!!

You forgot the extra +1 from your rank. +12 total. :)

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