Magus question

Rules Questions

Ok I have a player that wants to build a magus that fights with a two-handed weapon. The set up is: 1/2 orc magus(myrmidarch){archetype}, wields a great ax as a weapon. we are trying to figure out if he can still use the spell strike class feature with a two-handed weapon. My thoughts are yes, but with the limit that he would not be able to cast & wield at the same time as he would have to take one hand off the weapon. So it would be more like a take a round to cast said "touch" spell, then next round swing with ax for ax dmg & spell dmg.

would this be correct?

Scarab Sages

Sounds legit.

EDIT: Actually, I think the prevailing theory is that you can drop a hand from holding a two-handed weapon as a free action. Thus, the magus can:

Let go with one hand (free action)
Cast the spell (standard action part 1)
5-foot step (free action)*
Regrip the weapon (free action)
Attack (standard action part 2)

Unless there's some errata I'm not aware of.

Not actually necessary to use spellstrike with a two-handed weapon, but useful for avoiding an AoO

Tom Baumbach wrote:

Sounds legit.

EDIT: Actually, I think the prevailing theory is that you can drop a hand from holding a two-handed weapon as a free action. Thus, the magus can:

Let go with one hand (free action)
Cast the spell (standard action part 1)
5-foot step (free action)
Regrip the weapon (free action)
Attack (standard action part 2)

Unless there's some errata I'm not aware of.

Yeah, just let go of one hand's grip.

He could also buy a weapon cord and actually drop it (then pick up it without casting any actions).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You can cast spells while wielding a two-handed weapon; you just let go of the weapon with one hand and regrab as nonactions (not even free actions, just not a real action at all). Just keep in mind that a magus can't use Spell Combat with a two-hander, only a one-hander and free hand; so he can spellcast, or attack, but not both. He can, however, Spellstrike with a two-handed weapon.

Cool thanks for the info

"Spellstrike (Su): At 2nd level, whenever a magus casts a spell with a range of “touch” from the magus spell list, he can deliver the spell through any weapon he is wielding as part of a melee attack."

The bolded part implies to me that he has to be weilding the weapon when he casts the spell, which he cannot do with a twohanded weapon unless he somehow has an extra hand. I would probably rule that he couldnt do it in one round, but would allow the cast, and then attack on the next round method if he wanted.

That said, you definately cant do the signature ability of the magus, spell combat with a 2handed weapon. But if you are ok with 3rd party material, super genius' games New Magus Arcana has a magus arcana to allow this very thing (spell strike and spell combat with a 2handed weapon).

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