WarmasterYYZ |

So.. this may sound a bit long-winded, but I have been struggling to get my eldest son to use his imagination, independent thought process skills, leadership skills, reading skills, etc.. without the aid of a PC.
Thinking back to when I was a child growing up, I had a vivid imagination, but I think it really took off when I started playing PnP RPG's - which also aided me in reading, social skills, leadership skills, u name it.
I remembered picking up the classic original TSR "red box set" at my local hobby store when I was kid, and the great feeling I had when I 1st cracked it open - the art and style blew me away. Also, module B2 The Keep on the Borderlands was something else...
When I saw the new Pathfinder BB - I had the strange sensation that my son and I would get the same nostalgia I felt so many year ago....
We played the 1st in-box adventure (Black Fang) and let me tell you all, 4 hours went by in what felt like an hour!
We had great laughs together - it brought me closer to my son, and I think he'll remember the fact that his dad taught him how to PnP!
Another interesting thing - I did not have to explain to many concepts to him because they are so ingrained these days in our children's collective consciousness (ex what is a HP - they know!), that explaining some of the rules was a simple wash!
For those ppl out there who are trying to get their kids off a PC - trust me, try the Pathfinder BB!
THANK YOU Paizo, Pathfinder, and all you ppl who take the time to post on this forum. I may not contribute any posts - but I read ;)
I'll try to post more in the future btw!