TwoWolves |

TwoWolves |

Thanks guys!
The north gate and the garrison were salvaged from my Fort Rannik setup, as were the bridges and the river and a couple of buildings. Most of the buildings are Fat Dragon Games' Dragonshire set or Dave Graffam Models' cardstock mounted on foamcore. The streets are also Dragonshire. The docks are from the waterfront map tiles from Paizo, and some of the non-cardstock buildings are remnants from my Warhammer days (as is the geo-hex). The Old Light is a foam setpiece from Ziterdies, and the minis are prepaints from WizKids and WotC, or painted minis mostly from Reaper painted by myself or one of my players.
Each building took less than a day to print, cut, score and glue, and were done piecemeal over the last couple of years in anticipation of this battle. Some have removable roofs/upper floors, but most don't. Honestly, I never really "finish" painting a mini, it seems, just surrender and move on. I was painting one giant right up until we started rolling initiative!
I used 1" = 10' scale to get the town scale about right, and still had to leave out a ton. I put minis for important NPCs at vital locations, and if the giants got to a spot unchallenged, they scooped up said NPC. If the party didn't get to them, then they were carted off in giant bags. Due to a desire to gather the party and buff up, followed by a misjump on a teleport, the giants at the south bridge made off with Sir Jasper and Ameiko (who is involved with the PC bard Flynn), and the Scarnetti family is gone along with most of their loot AND Mayor Deverin. Sandpoint is down to half of its ruling council and missing a mayor, so Sherrif Hemlock has had to declare martial law and deputize the party to recover the kidnapped citizens. Unfortunately, Decklan, the dwarven cuisanart of giants, offed Teraktanus before he could get to the old light (accidently teleported almost right on top of him) so they have no clue what the raid's purpose is. They do have a live giant to interrogate, and after a winter full of Speaking with Dead on Barl Breakbones' severed head, they have a pretty good idea where the giant raiding party is headed...

TwoWolves |

Many were actually free PDFs, the others no more than a few bucks each. I got several on sale and the REAL cost was in ink. But I built these over the course of a couple of years, so it wasn't a massive hit all at once.
While I made them specifically for Sandpoint and this battle in particular, now that we have them in our game room, we can use them again and again for any generic fantasy game, so I'd say yeah, it as worth it.