Sarf |

So basically this challenge is this, to create a character who effectively only casts 1 spell, his entire career. I'm talking someone who just uses multiple different types of metamagic to pump this spell up into several higher spell slots, utilising and abusing metamagic to its fulled. The way I see it, the best candidates for this would be either - Magic Missile, Burning Hands, or Shocking Grasp. Either these or if focused on ability removal than touch of graclessness or ray of enfeeblement. Please post how effective it is at these 3 level intervals: Level 1, Level 5, Level 10.
I'll start it off with
Mr. Magic Missile.
Human Sorcerer 10, Arcane Bloodline
Traits: Magic Lineage (Magic Missile),Wangang Spellhunter (Magic Missile)
1st - Spontaneous Metafocus, Empower spell
3rd - Toppling Spells
5th - Maximize Spell
6th (Sorcerer Bonus) - Combat Casting
7th - Quicken Spell
9th - Piercing Spell
Empowered Magic Missile 3+(bonus spells) per day
1d4+1d2+1 = 7 Max(5 Avg)
Empowered Toppling Magic Missiles 6+(bonus spells) per day
3d4+3d2+3 = 25 Max(15 Avg) + Free Trip Attempt
Empowered Maximized Toppling Magic Missiles 3+(bonus spells) per day
16+6+3 = 25 + Free Trip
Empowered Toppling Maximized Quickened Piercing Magic Missiles 8+(bonus spells)
20+10+5 = 35 + Free Trip + Swift Action - CL+5 Higher vs SR
Also at this level you could have any combination of quickened + Empowered or Maximized + Empowered, 2 allow for nearly 30 other castings of the spells. Every 3rd level+slot can be used for quicken. Essentially every round your looking at casting 2 magic missiles, both maximized and empowered for an average damage of around 70 per round. Lots of times per day. Obviously one shield spell shuts all these missiles down but you have lots of spare castings to toss up a dispell magic to get rid of that :P
So lets continue with the challenge, optimize what we can I think the magic missile can be improved upon with a wizard, but don't have time to approach it. GL and happy optimizing.

Beebs |

I posted this guy in the "Give me your Lowbies" thread, but here is an expansion out to level 10. Probably are better ways to do the feats, these were just off the top of my head.
Spell of choice: Color Spray
Gnome Oracle 10
Relevant traits:
Magical Lineage: Color Spray
Mystery: Heavens
Relevant revelations:
Awesome Display
1 - Persistent Spell
3 - Spontaneous Metafocus: Colorspray
5 - Spell Focus: Illusion
7 - Piercing Spell
9 - Greater Spell Focus: Illusion
Awesome Display (Each creature affected by your illusion (pattern) spells is treated as if its total number of Hit Dice were equal to its number of Hit Dice minus your Charisma modifier)
Persistent Color Spray as a 2nd level spell with Magical Lineage. 3rd level slot with piercing spell to combat SR.
Enemies have to save twice or most likely be unconscious, blinded and stunned. Brutal!

Beebs |

For magic missile, I would do
Human Tattooed Sorcerer, Orc Bloodline
Magical Lineage: Magic Missile
1 - Spell Focus: Evocation, Spell Specialization: Magic Missile (human bonus), Varisian Tattoo: Evocation (archetype bonus)
3 - Toppling Spell
5 - Empower Spell
7 - Spell Penetration
9 - Greater Spell Penetration
Spell Specialization and Varisian Tattoo net you +3 caster levels with magic missile, letting you get more missiles a lot earlier. Orc bloodline is +1 damage/die.
Level 2: Magic Missile: 3d4+6 (13.5 avg)
Level 6: Toppling, Empowered Magic Missile: 1.5*(5d4+10) + Trip (avg. 33.75 damage)

Sarf |

I lied I found time to do 1 more.
Human Sorcerer 10, Draconic Bloodline: Blue or Bronze Dragon
Traits: Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp), Wangang Spellhunter (Shocking Grasp)
1st - Spontaneous Metamagic, Empower spell
3rd - Elemental Spell (Acid)
5th - Maximize Spell
6th Sorcerer Bonus - Quicken Spell
7th - Intensify Spell
9th - Piercing Spell
Empowered Shocking Grasp
1d6 + 1d3 +1 = 10 Max (6.5 Avg)
Empowered Maximized Shocking Grasp
30 + 15 + 5 = 50 Electricty or 45 Acid
Empowered Maximized Quickened Intensified Piercing Shocking Grasp
50 + 25 + 10 = 85 Electricty or 75 Acid + Swift Action
A little tougher than the magic missiler, you could spew out a pretty consistent 170 damage per round utilizing only first level spells with no save. Not bad so far. Best part is - No dice.

Beebs |

I don't think you can stack Wayang Spellhunter and Magical Lineage, at least not RAI, but if your DM feels differently, stack away. The rules for traits state:
"Many traits grant a new type of bonus: a “trait” bonus. Trait bonuses do not stack—they're intended to give player characters a slight edge, not a secret backdoor way to focus all of a character's traits on one type of bonus and thus gain an unseemly advantage. It's certainly possible, for example, that somewhere down the line, a “Courageous” trait might be on the list of dwarf race traits, but just because this trait is on both the dwarf race traits list and the basic combat traits list doesn't mean you're any more brave if you choose both versions than if you choose only one."
For the Shocking Grasp sorcerer, I think this would be better:
Cross-blooded (draconic/orc) tattooed sorcerer
Spell Specialization + Varisian Tattoo are where it is at for d6 per level type spells. Crossblooded for +2 damage per die. Intensify and Empower obviously are good stuff.
For example:
Human ross-blooded (draconic/orc) tattooed sorcerer 10
1 - Spell Focus: Evocation, Spell Specialization: Shocking Grasp (human bonus), Varisian Tattoo: Evocation (archetype bonus)
3 - Reach Spell
5 - Intensify Spell
7 - Empower Spell
9 - Spell Penetration
Level 1 (1st level slot): Shocking Grasp: 4d6 + 8 (avg. 22)
Level 5 (2nd level slot): Intensified Reach Shocking Grasp: 8d6 + 16 (44 avg.)
Level 10 (4th level slot): Intensified Empowered Reach Shocking Grasp: 1.5*(10d6 + 20) (82.5 avg)
And from level 3 onwards you're using Shocking Grasp at close range instead of touch.