
Customer Service

Dear Customer Service,
would you be so kind and remove the Zobeck Gazetteer from my order (now in the sidecart), I wanted to order the print/pdf bundle, but something got wrong.

Paizo Employee Software Test Engineer

dafaddu wrote:

Dear Customer Service,

would you be so kind and remove the Zobeck Gazetteer from my order (now in the sidecart), I wanted to order the print/pdf bundle, but something got wrong.

I have manually changed your Zobeck Gazetteer from the print edition to the Print/PDF Bundle, the price has been adjusted accordingly by $0.85 and you should now be able to find the PDF in your My Downloads page on the Paizo website.

- Erik K

Erik Keith wrote:
dafaddu wrote:

Dear Customer Service,

would you be so kind and remove the Zobeck Gazetteer from my order (now in the sidecart), I wanted to order the print/pdf bundle, but something got wrong.

I have manually changed your Zobeck Gazetteer from the print edition to the Print/PDF Bundle, the price has been adjusted accordingly by $0.85 and you should now be able to find the PDF in your My Downloads page on the Paizo website.

- Erik K

Great, thanks!

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