Magic items that increase AC

Rules Questions

I'm a bit unclear in how the various magic items that increase your AC stack together. So there's these:

Bracers of Armor +1 to +8, grant armor bonus
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 to +5, grant enhancement bonus to natural armor
Ring of Protection +1 to +5, grant deflection bonus

How do these stack with each other, if at all? And how do they interact with armor bonusses from normal/mwk and magical armor?

The way I understand it is that Bracers of Armor don't stack with AC bonuses granted from armor, since they are both the same type of bonus, but I'm not at all sure I'm correct in that assumption.

Grand Lodge

Bracers of Armor does not stack with armor. Everything else will stack, as they are different bonuses.

blackbloodtroll has it right. Just remember that same typed boni do not stack. There are a few exceptions and one of them affects AC: dodge bonus. Dodge boni will generally stack with other dodge boni.

Also, I like "boni" as the plural of "bonus". I don't care that it isn't correct. I also like "boxen" as plural of "box". Hey, why not? It works for the Oxen.

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