Searching for a specific Dragon Magazine

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Not long before the print run ended, Dragon published statistics for the Colossi from some PS2 game. Does anyone remember the issue number? My Dragons are all packed in storage and I'm unable to get to them at this time.

Thanks in advance!

Is it Dragon 271?

Also, if anyone is looking for articles in Dragon, here is a semi-useful site

You might have better luck searching since you probably know part of the title or maybe even the author.

Were you looking for:

Primordial Colossus - "Shadow of the Colossus" - Eric Haddock - 336(89) - D&D3

Wow, I missed that. Shadow of the Colossus was a fantastic game and it would be fun to pit some characters against one of those things. Especially if done before they're high enough level to fly.

In that case just sick the flying colossus on them.

Moved thread.

Thanks, ya'll. I found the issue I needed and hopefully I'll get to toss one of these babies at my group soon!

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