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Moorluck wrote:So many old people on these boards...flexes younger 30-something bodyRagnarok Aeon wrote:pipedreamsam wrote:After looking at that thread with all the pics I suddenly feel really out of place. I picture all of you as 20 somethings since I am only 19.Well in less than 2 years, you'll be in the 20 somethings too. Besides I'm only 23, I'm not old am I? Do people consider that old now?
I still have a tendency to imagine other posters as kids. At 36 I know I'm not exactly the Old Man on the Mountain, but it feels that way sometimes.
And no, 23 is still a baby. ;)
Hey, I still wear the same size as I did 10 years ago, not to brag or anything...

Sissyl |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Personally, I am seriously careful about information on the internet due to, ah, an unfortunate previous experience.
As for how I imagine others, well, I am well aware that gamers are a diverse bunch, and that few have their appearance as priority one. Some say they are all middle-aged fat balding men, others say gamers come in two sizes, too big and too small. I have been to enough meetings to know it's at least partially true. Even so, it's a gross oversimplification.
But, when it comes right down to it... I don't care. The internet also gives us the option of being who we want to be, and I do not begrudge people that. When I discuss things with a lich, a sultry redhead and a talking skull, well, that's far better than discussing the same thing with three fat, balding middle-aged men. Call it willing suspension of disbelief if you will, I do it wholeheartedly. It makes for a better life.

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Thomas LeBlanc wrote:TriOmegaZero and Finn K wrote:We have been in the Army too long and need to retire...C'mon and free up some promotions fer us younglings! I've been an E-6 too long...Heh.
Missed something in my posts, I think you did. :P
My last deployment was in 2009. I retired in 2010, and I've already cleared the way for you young whippersnappers... (plus I was an E-6 when I retired anyway-- you think you got it hard waiting for a promotion in the Regular Army-- you really have to wait for someone to die to open up a slot in Guard and Reserve units, particularly if you're in a small MOS.
Andrew Tuttle wrote:
Heya Finn.I typed something about you telling us how you really felt about officer training in the US military, Finn, about four times. But it kept coming off either snarky or hateful, so I gave up.
But I hear you. :D
I had to cut and rewrite what I said 7 times in that post, otherwise it would've been a lot a snarkier... ;)
Seriously-- Most of the officers I served under were mediocre at best, there were way too many poor officers, and although I served under a few truly outstanding officers, there were too few good ones that I saw in the commissioned ranks. I don't blame the people who become officers-- most of them I'm pretty sure were (and are) basically decent human beings to start with-- but I really don't think we've got a good system for selecting, training and qualifying, mentoring, promoting and retaining officers in the United States Military, and IMO it shows in the results we have for a lot of the leadership (and the whole "0-defect" never ever take a risk, bureaucratic mastery, avoid being the one held accountable if anything can go wrong, crap I saw from my view in the ranks, is part of that system).
I'm sure a lot of people's experiences were different than mine, and YMMV-- I also mean no offense to people who happen to be (or were, if they're out now) commissioned officers, but it's kind'a hard for me...
The old adage comes to mind: "There are only to paths open to smart, competent officers in the military: they get out, or they go to SOCOM."

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Gorbacz wrote:My avatar is much prettier and nicer than I really am.I imagine you as a 50 year old Russian farmer that now works for their Mafia as a knee breaker.
I can let you float with that 50-year old Mafia knee breaker part, but to call a Pole a Russian is an insult that deserves more than broken knees!

aeglos |
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Icyshadow wrote:1944-1991 (and quite a bit of business before that). The good news for Swedes and Finns being that this means they tend to forget our little romps through the Polish countryside ;)I thought the Polish had more gripes with Germany than with Russia.
A swedish-hessian army under a scotish general defended my birthtown Hanau in 1636 against a siege by impearial-austrian troops under a french general

Aaron aka Itchy |

I generally assume that people look like their avatars. It's okay for you to assume that I am a stag. I used to be a falcon until too many others took that avatar too.
I really look like... me!
Re: the discussion of officers: I've served under good and bad officers. I'm currently an E-6, hoping to make E-7 in the next 8 years before I retire, but I have to wait for a couple folks over me to retire first. That's right, I'm in the Air National Guard. I considered switching to Army National Guard if I could get a commission, then decided against it.

Urizen |
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Mikaze wrote:great. Now I can't unsee it.Gorbacz wrote:My avatar is much prettier and nicer than I really am.When my eyes go blurry that avatar looks like a full set of male genitals with a mouth.
Does no one else see this?
Great. The male version of Teeth.

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I thought the Polish had more gripes with Germany than with Russia.
Then again, being Finnish, I can relate to getting angry if someone mistakes me for a Russian.
Back to history class, Icyshadow... :P
It's something we forget quite often in the USA too... but when WW2 broke out with Germany's attack on Poland, and Britain and France declared war on Germany... it's conveniently overlooked, that in accordance with the pact signed with Germany to split Poland between the two nations, the Soviet Union moved into Poland on 17 September 1939 and took over the eastern half of the country. The Soviets were pretty brutal from day one-- lots of cold-blooded killings and mass murders; late in the war, the Soviets could have pressed into Warsaw quickly, but instead halted and waited for the Germans to completely wipe out the Polish partisans in Warsaw, and manipulated the situation leading into the post-war period-- to ensure that the "Free Polish" government supported by the USA and Great Britain wouldn't have any influence in Soviet-controlled Poland.
If someone were to check various strains of public opinion-- I would not be surprised if the Poles held more grudges against Russia... but in terms of the way both countries treated Poland... mistaking a Pole for either one is an insult.
Now, I may be wrong about Finnish history (correct me if I am), but I think the analogy would be someone mistaking someone from Finland for a Russian, or for a Swede-- both of them, I believe, have really bad histories with Finland, and are quite distinctly separate peoples.
(post-note: my "nom-de-net", in spite of similar appearance, is from the Gaelic proper name, not the Finnish nationality-- while I do have the utmost respect for Finland, especially from what I know of your nation's history and mythology; being of Scots-Irish descent myself was why I chose the name a long time ago: it started as the name I used in SCA & RenFaire circles)

Drejk |

Icyshadow wrote:1944-1991 (and quite a bit of business before that). The good news for Swedes and Finns being that this means they tend to forget our little romps through the Polish countryside ;)I thought the Polish had more gripes with Germany than with Russia.
We have not forgotten!
But we conveniently forgotten that it was in good part Sigi's fault. If he hadn't failed so miserably on being Swedish king part he would not be deposed, instead we could have workable Polish-Lithuanian-Swedish union controlling the Baltic sea (which was a goal of Swedish politics for the following 100-150 years). Then Finns would probably hate us ;)Oh, another decent idea for alternate timeline for infinite worlds campaign. No, not the part about Finns, the part about Polish/Lithuanian-Swedish union lasting longer than 7 years...If someone were to check various strains of public opinion-- I would not be surprised if the Poles held more grudges against Russia... but in terms of the way both countries treated Poland... mistaking a Pole for either one is an insult.
It's easier to mistake Pole for Russian than German (despite the lone scene with shot-down Polish pilot in "Battle For Brittain") due to Poles and Russians being closer in outlook, culture, language and vodka consumption.
There are popular resentments towards the German and Russian in Poland but from what I have seen amongst my compatriots is that Poles hate Russian government and Russian politics (which are often at odds with Polish interests) while being quite tolerant towards Russians as individuals. Germans don't seem to generate as much hatred but also are subject to much less sympathy. Individual Poles may show different preferences of course, due to personal experience and personal biases. Myself I have three cousins that are Germans - my uncle fleed to the Western Germany around 1970 to avoid obligatory service in communist army and remained there for over thirty years.

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Gorbacz wrote:My avatar is much prettier and nicer than I really am.When my eyes go blurry that avatar looks like a full set of male genitals with a mouth.
Does no one else see this?
And there I was thinking that Mikaze considering Forever Queen as sexy was weird...

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3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Mikaze wrote:And there I was thinking that Mikaze considering Forever Queen as sexy was weird...Gorbacz wrote:My avatar is much prettier and nicer than I really am.When my eyes go blurry that avatar looks like a full set of male genitals with a mouth.
Does no one else see this?

Freehold DM |

Gorbacz wrote:DEM MANDIBLESMikaze wrote:And there I was thinking that Mikaze considering Forever Queen as sexy was weird...Gorbacz wrote:My avatar is much prettier and nicer than I really am.When my eyes go blurry that avatar looks like a full set of male genitals with a mouth.
Does no one else see this?
You madcap.

Andrew Tuttle |
Mikaze wrote:great. Now I can't unsee it.Gorbacz wrote:My avatar is much prettier and nicer than I really am.When my eyes go blurry that avatar looks like a full set of male genitals with a mouth.
Does no one else see this?
This reminds me of the first time I saw the arrow in the FedEx logo.
Bad Mikaze.
-- Andy

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This reminds me of the first time I saw the arrow in the FedEx logo.
Bad Mikaze.
-- Andy
And thanks to you, Andy, the glass has shattered forever...
I can't unsee the arrow.

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When I was younger, numerous people mistook me for Prince William (including a group of girls from Scotland whom I met in Italy). Anyway, in my junior year of high school two of my teachers had us write up a short biography and attach a photo of ourselves. I got the bio done but forgot my photo at home. Instead of turning the assignment in late, I found a photo of Prince William online, printed it out in the school library, and used it. They never figured it out. I look less like Prince William now, though, so that probably wouldn't fly.
True story.